03 March, 2008

How to grow lilies

. Here you can log in with your pitch name or membership number and password. Those are your questions to this topic:. Patrick from Hattingen would like to know, how the growth of the human body is steered. All organisms grow up to a certain moment. Growth depends on the cells, of which each body is composed. The instructions for growing are in the genes, thus hereditary factors, which are put on in the cells, from the outset stored. In order to grow, the cells need food. They need water and many different nutrients, like protein, strength, vitamine or fats. By growing humans form new cells, they use nutrients for the setting up of new cells. These new cells are formed by division of old cells. The faster the cells divide, the faster grow humans. Fastest infants grow in the first three years. Each organ or also the parts of the body can become differently fast larger. Then growth slows down. In puberty the next thrust comes. The sex hormones cause, mental and physical changes with girls and boys. Their bodies are prepared to be able to get children. Growth hormones ensure also for the fact that the body achieves the full size. They strengthen muscles and the bones. Humans age, until he finally dies. For which we need the immune system. Like many ribs humans have. As that actually can be done that one can have "butterflies in the belly". Why many humans in the sleep schnarchen. Why one verdurstet faster than one verhungert. We humans have a blind intestine. Sometimes why one gets side stinging when running. Which exactly damaged at the liver, if one drinks alcohol. How often a heart per minute knocks. Like many bones it gives in the body and which is the smallest. Which is the blind point in such a way specified in the eye. Why humans do not have the same IQ. As the heart without strange assistance can pump blood. Why the hair stands for humans, if one charges it electrically. From which a flu comes. Why we get a goose skin, if we freeze. Why humans can themselves remind of some dreams very well, of other however less well. Why there are white and red blood corpuscles. Which for a task has the liver. As the body digests the meal. Of which our brain consists. Like many bones humans have. Why men get glatzen than women more frequently. For which one has the kidneys. Why we cry, if we are sad. Why humans can think about the past and future. Dip into the Middle Ages - in WHICH IS WHICH Camp in the summer 2008. You wish yourself WHICH ARE WHICH radio play. WHICH IS WHICH volume the new desire note as pdf (3.2 MT) download. You find all club advantages here on a view. Member will and with the club partners reduced entrance to receive. New WHICH IS WHICH row - exciting books for a risers. The new sides with profit play and attraction play. For the first time there is here WHICH IS WHICH fan articles. - Shirts, cups, key volumes, Mousepads and more. Which you hold from the Rummel around flake. Which would be most important with a mobile phone for you. Here your opinion is in demand.

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