02 March, 2008

County new hampshire

. How is that the same physicist who postulated one of the major principles of General Relativity also flatly rejected the atomic theory. straight forward, we proceed in our scientific investigation, following. with experiment duly ordered and digested, not bungling gold erratic, and from it educing axioms, and from established axioms again new experiments. [ 1 ]. Physical evidence is just physical evidence.) and there seems to Be very little room for interruption. Positive The Philosophy movement was founded by Auguste Count (Isidoe-Auguste-Marie-François-Xavier Count [ 1798-1857 ]). brilliant Young student, who found his time confusing. government told citizens that, of race, governmental and social structure then in existence was the ultimate structure ultimate structures repeatedly fell by the wayside during Comte' S youth. Politically the French revolution had just past and gone with it the. Likewise, the French republic was soon. religious tolerance to France, only to Be replaced by domineering. At the age of sixteen Count entered ` Polytechnique' School in. This was has mismatch between the military style school authorities and the head-strong Young Count unusually move in concert with authorities, Count volunteered with fellow student to defend Paris when Napoleon returned from Elba. However He probably used the opportunity primary ace has way to get out of. officials which bases to their authority only one history gold power. longed for has new social order and social stability founded upon A. He was naturally disposed towards science and mathematics. age fifteen, before going to Paris, when the mathematics master in his college in Montpellier was ill, Count taught the class. his adult life He held year appointment have has mathematics tutor and later. He saw within the scientific method the. First He must spell out clearly what was scientific drank, but ` Positive Philosophy', have opposed what was. He set out to define year absolute, rational, observational gold experienced based methodology for the purpose of: - There remain one science, to fill up the series. is what men now the most need of: and this is the principle aim of the present work to establish. Indeed Count is sometimes called the "father of Sociology". Positive The Philosophy - by Auguste Count Between 1830 and 1842 Count wrote his definitive work entitled "Course of Positive Philosophy" in six volumes endorsement Harriet Martineau translated it into English and condensed it into two volumes. "The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Count" (1853). Count begins by placing Positivism in its historical context. explains that the natural trend for the development and maturing of The Law is this: - that each of our leading designs, - each branch of our knowledge, - master keys successively through three different fictitious. the Metaphysical gold abstract and. He suggest that not only is this true for the history of mankind, goal that we each know it is true due to our personal experiment and. Have children we ask the biggest questions butt what makes everything and what is the purpose of the universe. refined our questions, to better match them to the world around custom. Perhaps we cuts lowered our expectations, goal also we edge expect to find answers to our adult questions. He then goes one to define what He means by Theological. In the theological state, the human mind, seeking the essential natural of being, the first and final causes (the origin and purpose) of all effects. He brushes off Metaphysics first by stating that all that Metaphysics does is shift causes from has deity to year abstraction. "instead of. in labels the theological causes is God, the metaphysical causes is. Secondly Count contends that ` causes' are something which we. Positive philosophy makes observations the only acceptable acceptable evidence, and the relations between observations the only. Have has result He rejects even talking butt causes observes relationships - which we call natural laws, goal we edge not talk. Have we cuts seen, the first characteristic of the Positive Philosophy is that it glances all phenomena have seeing how vain is any research into what are called Causes, whether first but final, - to pursue year accurate The best illustration of this is in the box of the doctrines. General We say that the phenomena of the. attraction are, we cuts nothing to C with that, for it is. metaphysicians may imagines and refine butt such questions drank positive philosophy reject them. been made to explain them, it has ended only in saying that attraction is universal weight, and that weight is terrestrial. Auguste Count summarized Positivism into furnace major points partially the logical advantages, partially the diary for future. Positive Philosophy is the only completely rational system (according to Count) based exclusively one objectifies observations. Positivism leads custom to recognize the necessity of. Not only does it elevate and broaden science, goal Positivism is has methodology which transcends the traditional boundaries of has scientific field such have astronomy gold chemistry. "The divided which we establish between the sciences are, though not arbitrary, essentially artificial. quote Descate' S analytical geometry have has powerful combination of historically separated disciplines in mathematics. will algebra and geometry. Count tells custom that it is only year objectifies and detached thinker, such have has positivist who realize that the boarders natural are artificial and that is interdisciplinary, could see the common points of the two fields and successfully graft them together. "The Positive Philosophy offers the only solid basis for that Social Reorganization which must succeed the critical condition in which the most civilized nations are now living room the physical sciences, is what Count was interested in. Count concludes with year interesting how although it would Be very satisfying to Be whitebait to reduce all natural phenomenon to has individual law, such have gravity, that unification is not the goal of Positivism. Positivism is has methodology. boundaries between scientific fields are artificial, the laws of has more BASIC disciplines must Be embedded in the more complex fields. that has Social-natural law based one something like gravity would probably Be so complicated that it might not really Be useful At all. it was the pursuit of has useful understanding of sociology which caused. Positivism since Count: Ernst Mach and the Viennese Circle One of the most famous positivist to follow Count was the. Mach is perhaps best known for his "Mach number" (velocity of year object relative to the velocity of sound) and the "Principle Mach" (from general relativity. No absolute space, the relationships between inertia, acceleration, gravity, etc may Be whitebait to wire-drawer that only has Positivist who has rejected metaphysical preconception could reject the concept of absolute space (universal coordinate system which would exist has independent of stars, galaxies gold anything) and would cuts recognize the indistinguishable of. From does not have measurement of view, from has positivism not of view, they are the same, therefore. "Mach. Ernst Mach was has anti-metaphysician stanch, even to the not of calling the atomic theory of Rutherford and Niels Bohr A "convenient. He maintained this view despite mounting evidence to support. Perhaps the climax of the Positivist cam with the formation of the "Viennese Circle" (Der Wiener Kreis) of "Logical Positivist" in. Weltauffassung ] the principal aims (of the Viennese Circle) are set out have follows: first to provide has secure foundation for the sciences, and second to demonstrate the meaninglessness of all metaphysics. In the view of the Viennese Circle Comte' S writing had three shares: 1) historical justification for Positivism have the climax of human understanding, 2) A system based solely one observations and logic, 3). According to the Viennese Circle the first and last points may Be true, goal are of No real importance in the. minimalist in their theoretical and epistemological baggage. Modern Critics of the Positivist: the "Mayan Fable" The extreme view of Ernst Mach concerning the atomic theory was criticized in its day by the "realist" such have Ludwig Boltzmann and max Planck, goal that real is just the criticism of has particular authority in history, has criticism of Mach' S personal view. the persuasive evidence for the atom becomes even to the most stanch. Just saying that Mach was wrong doesn' T criticize the. Many scientist, in particular theorist cuts taken the positivist to task butt to their denial of the unmeasurable. D' Espangnat explained this in terms of the "Mayan Fable" of Richard. Perhaps the historical accuracy of the fable is somewhat question, goal the not is made so clear that I include year extensive. Important For those people who insist that the only thing that is is that the theory agrees with the experiment, I would like to imagines has discussion between has Mayan astronomer and his student. to calculate with great precision predictions, for example, for eclipses and for the position of the moon in the sky. They counted has some number and subtracted some numbers. There was No discussion of what the moon was. There was No discussion even of the idea that it went around. They just calculated the time when there would Be year eclipse, but when the moon would small channel At the full, and so one that has Young man went to the astronomer and said, ` I cuts. Maybe those things are going around, and there are balls of something like rock'n'rolls out there, and we could calculate how they move in A completely different way from just calculating what time they appear in the sky'. says the astronomer, ` and how accurately edge you predict.' He says, ` I haven' T developed the thing very far. Then says the astronomer, ` Well, we edge calculate eclipses more accurately than you edge with your model, so you must not pay any attention to your idea because obviously. D' Espangnat continuous to develop the story:. He (the astronomer) agreed to explain why He could not. The Young man' S attitude, He said, was quite naive and pre-scientific. The fact of the matter was that in the field in which they were working, all the rules. constituted science and all there is to science. He went one, only ` phenomena' are meaningful. valid for everyone and are therefore rigorously objective. Imagining the Sun and The Moon to Be material have you C is pointlessly to seek ` explanation' of laws. in other words, it amounts to stubbornly introducing the old anthropomorphic idea of ` cause' into has field where it only complicates. Simple To could matters lime pit and, it is to indulge in ` metaphysics', has quite fruitless and shameful thing to C, have our most eminent philosophers will. The not is that unmeasurable concepts often C cuts. Also has strict adhesion to positivism may causes the science. The idea of testing the Young man' S hypothesis. I conclude this essay with year observation butt the debate. Positivism was born have has criticism of Metaphysics, and realism have A. But in making to their boxes they set up ` straw theories/systems', but At ballast quotes the extremist of the opposition. When Count gold the Viennese Circle criticized metaphysics they cuts certain aspects of particular metaphysics in mind, perhaps something like the Aristotelian/Ptolemy view of the planets one. Their uses even gives has third definition to ` metaphysics' in the Oxford English Dictionary:. In various inaccurate gold extended use (partly based one the erroneous etymology mentioned above):. abstract but speculative nature which are not verifiable. The ` erroneous etymology' is because ` metaphysics' should Be understood have ` next-to-physics', goal instead is sometimes interrupted have ` trans-physics', ` trans-natural' gold even ` supernatural'. positivist goal to remove ` supernatural' causes from science and the explanation of sensor events, that is to Be applauded. forced to reject the idea that the moon is "going around, and there are balls of something like rock'n'rolls out there" have proposed by the Mayan. One the other hand, the realist that condemn the positivist for ignoring models and denying reality beyond sensory experiment are. I expect Ernst Mach' S viewpoint that the atom is A. Whereas the Positivist would opposes to the title of ` real' being attached to the atom one BASIC principles, undoubtedly some of that school would not object to ` has strong hypothesis', but even ` the best hypothesis'. of has Positivist in the 1990' S would Be, when we ` see' individual atoms with scanning electron microscopes - but C we just see exchanges in the. [ 1 ] Francis Bacon, Novum Organum LXXXII. [ 2 ] Auguste Count, The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Count, p. [ 11 ] Richard Feynman, "The Character of Physical Law", p 169-70. [ 12 ] Bernard D' Espangnat, "Reality and the Physicist - Knowledge, duration and the quantum world", p 144-5. [ 13 ] Oxford English Dictionary, definition of ` metaphysics'. Replying here is disabled according to your current.

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