07 March, 2008

Como Town Rides Coupon

Lombardy - Guide to lodges and to the restaurants Hotel between the più. she appreciates you of Europe, perfect synthesis of discreet elegance and lusso with an impeccable one. Newest hotel of design to Milan been born from the recovery of one old industrial structure. Ripropone the pleasure "to make ospitalità." in use in the slid century, in the large ones it lodges of all the world. Principesca residence of XVI the century, encircled from a park of 25 acres è. a lot più. that a hotel. The Relais Queen Teodolinda joins the fascination of the ancient nobiliare residence with the magic of the lago of Como. The pi?oderna, rich and popolata region of Italy, the Lombardy?empre be the pi?viluppata region of Italy so-called "Economic Miracle" of the years ' the 60 and great changes that gushed some, it afferm?l just role of vanguard in the economic development of the country attracting human resources from tutt' Italy, to the point to today represent the ring of conjunction between Italy and the economic panorama. Nevertheless this region, than like least others in Italy, does not have outlet on the sea?icca of resources it is natural that historical and all of large. Beyond to to have been one of the crocevia pi?mportanti from the fall of the Roman Empire in then - but also, pi?ardi, in the European modern history -, the Lombardy it encloses perhaps in if the pi?orprendenti and the pi?naspettate beauties are natural that artistic. From its understood them, Milan, citt?ella fashion, of the Scale and the ships to the graceful citizens of Brescia, Bergamo, Cremona from its lagos to the small and great rivers that slide along its goes them, to those majestic and silent innevati peaks: the Lombardy offers of all localit?ervir?oltanto introducing the tourist to the many treasures. Sfarzoso atmosphere, scenografica knows it of Persian mirrors, carpets represents the theater box where the siblings move. Tradition and sage creatività. are the characteristics of the kitchen of the restaurant Cicala 02, in the center of. From the Fisherman - Cane field on the Oglio a perfect equilibrium between same you, your kitchen, your hosts, the all in one magical tuning. In the green of hills of Franciacorta, è. the refined restaurant of one of the historical names of the ristorazione. Graceful localino on the Ship, it proposes little well-made plates and one good list of wines. One of the best ones you sew some than Milan, and not only, in an elegance context and professionalità. Ancient house of hunting of the King, where to pass moments of relax outside from the città. being tasted one refined kitchen. È. one of the ancient churches più. of Milan and historically one between remarkable the medioevali buildings più.. E' be for centuries protagonist of painful vicissitudes, becoming to the eyes of the citizens a hateful symbol of the power. The church and the convent of Saint Maria of Thanks with the Last Supper of Leonardo. An approach of styles that finds equilibrium in the beauties of marbles, of paintings and of the decorations that Gian. The Museum of the Renaissance is found in the ancient Moriggia Palace, to ridosso of the Academy of Brera, in one of the zones. The Pinacoteca di Brera è. the main museum of art of Milan, and one of the più. important of the world for. The Theatre to the Scale came founded, for volontà. of the emperor Maria Teresa of Austria, as a result of the fire. It visits the Cenacolo Vinciano and the other museums without to stand in line. The Carlton Baglioni Hotel of Milan è. true and just a drawing-room for one é.lite customers of that it searches an atmosphere. A building of XV the century già. convent of clausura with frescoes and arrogant times, transformed in a refined hotel. Sin from its opening, happened in far away 1863, è. be dwelling of personages of national and international rinomanza. The hotel Park Hyatt Milan offers the opportunità. of living a experience between lusso, well-being and intimità. coccolati give. The hotel, between the più. appreciates you of Europe è. one perfect synthesis of elegance. Principesca residence of XVI the century, encircled from a park of 25 acres è. a lot più. that a hotel. The hotel Excelsior Gallia the Meridien offers an excellent restaurant, and è. modernly furnished. The Gray, the new design hotel to the center of Milan. The tradition of the vacation in campaign, an ancient, simple pleasure, refined. Arzaga palace Hotel Spa & Golf Resort rich Dwelling of history, art and culture, the sontuoso Arzaga Palace of the XV sec. offers vacations to the standard of the golf and of. Online with the contemporary style of Bulgarians it is characterized for rare and precious materials. Building of first of the ' 900 in style liberty composite, from the taste soothed and comfortable of the Lombardic aristocracy. To the ' De the Ville', between Dome, the Scale and Via Napoleone Mount, meet personages of the fashion, artists and great entrepreneurs. The comfortable position è. a practical answer to the requirements of how many is moved to Milan for reasons of job or svago. Modern and lussuoso, the Enterprise Hotel is found in the heart of the business of equipped Milan and è. of technologies of high level. The Hotel Grand Visconti Palace of Milan ripropone the pleasure "to make ospitalità." in use in the slid century, i. Small hotel of lusso between the Real Villa with its splendid park, and the historical center of Monza. The Hotel Excelsior situated Magenta è. in the heart of the omonima città. of Magenta, to the center of the area they trades. In the heart of Milan, the Wales hotel offers the better stay with all the services is for who è. in business trip is. The hotel Olive trees è. situated to Sirmione, località. that it encloses magic and history tied to the unmistakable beauty of. The Hotel Porro Pirelli è. an ancient villa patrizia of the 1700's dipped in the peace of the forests of Induno Olona, to little. This precious hotel è. the ideal place in order to taste curatissime and searched specialità. or in order to grant itself relaxant. The Relais hotel Queen Teodolinda è. a small paradise on the lago of Como where to pass absolute moments relax. Ancient shack of 1670 transformed in a pleasant hotel In the heart of Milan, the hotel Petit Palais is born in an ancient palace on the rivers of the ship. Castellani villa è. one Nineteenth-century dwelling situated to long Sermide the rivers of the Po, in the heart of the Po Plain. Villa Medical è. an architectonic complex important to the doors of Milan. To Omate, to little minuteren from Milan, the hotel Trivulzio Villa is found dipped in the peace of a wonderful garden, between i. To Sacred Mount of Varese, small jewel of the Natural Park of the Field of the Flowers, all the tradition of this place. With the Citt?lta?n true jewel of architecture and history, with a beautiful landscape. Rich citt?ndustriale, handicraft and trades them, dipped in a landscape encircled from mounts. Known to the world for the lago pi?rofondo d.Italia and the mild climate with an only landscape. In the heart of the Po plain, center agricultural-manufacturer, the citt?adre of the liutai. Rich tourist center of receptive structures, with many artistic attivit?ulturali and. Inhabited charming landscape from remote ages, with colorful villages goal of culture and tradition. The pi?editerraneo of alpine lagos, show natural and equipped place for the vacations. Ancient village on the lago dipped in one of the landscapes between the pi?elli of the world. The richest country of traditions and popular culture, for the lovers of the good kitchen. Famous for the working of caseari products lattiero and for the ancient handicraft traditions. City small of rich Etruscan origin of history and artistic treasures legacies to famous names. Understood them economic d.Italia with a treasure of culture, art and monuments all to discover. Important residential center and center of the National Automobile race track. Citt?i imperial origin the whose intact, rich structure?ncora of tourist interest. In the heart of the Valtellina, one citt?ittoresca rich of history, monuments and culture. Incontaminato, rich landscape of ancient traditions tied all.artigianato and to the festivities. Of ancient origins, a civilt?ell.acqua. that only beauty boasts with its lago one. Lombardy - Guide to lodges and the restaurants.

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