11 March, 2008
Growing zucchini
REINHARDS TOMATOES: Atlantic Giant Riesenk?is & other K?is -, Zucchini and Kalebassensorten. Ausf?liche information to the Riesenk?isanbau and 1999 I participated in two local K?iswettbewerben and with 80 kg and 100 kg the first place occupied in each case. Coincidence and required at least with the K?isanbau of no gr?ren. Decisive was alone the selection of the correct sort. ATLANTIC GIANT hei? the "miracle weapon" and stands with a world record of American K?isz?ter has this record in 2003 with?rtroffen again far (the unofficial record was about 661,3 kg). There one asks oneself nat?ich whether there is perhaps nevertheless such a thing like a secret prescription, in order to obtain such giant copies. ATLANTIC GIANT gives it several kinds to different origin best comes from the Canadian Z?ter Howard Dill and is under DILL'S. Besides there are still many Hobbyz?ter, which offer occasionally cores from their Riesenk?issen in auctions or?r to Samenh?ler. The price becomes thereby by the Gr? the K?isses already once $ 10 or also more are certain and like that f?einen core to pay deter however a K?isanbauer hardly, because it seems to be really like that that straight cores from particularly gro?n copies possess also the Potenzial, to bring again genuine giants out. Seeds f?2001 originated from a 375 kg of Dill's AG and produced. April to in the middle of May the cores are put individually for 1 - 2 cm deeply in 12 - 14 cm T?e with good planting earth and the T?e is covered with foil or a windowpane. 24. C set up, appear after 1 - 2 weeks the Keimbl?er. Germinating l?t oneself accelerates, by the cores a little with emery paper aufgeraut and some hours into lukewarm water put the Riesenk?ispflanze ungest? to grow, is a Anbaufl?e can. On the entire Fl?e some barrows compost are yielded and trained. Planting place should be particularly well supplied and f?eine gleichm?ge bodenfeuchtigkeit can also somewhat geh?seltes straw beigef?. further 2 weeks (beginning to in the middle of June) is it so far have now already gro? kr?ige Laubbl?er and roots. Planting absolutely on zero winds a day make, because the recent impulse is still very sensitive and k?te easily bends. If several K?ispflanzen stand to the Verf?ng, only the kr?igste becomes. To the protection from wind and k?er weather it is important, the plant with a Fr?eet or a folientunnel too to at the end of of July - the safety divice must be removed now - to appear zun?st. Now hei? watch out, because the Best?ung is m?ichst not via insects to take place, thus no different. The plant has m?liche and female. The female Bl?n is easily at the tiny young fruit of one week (t?ich control) the Bl?nknospen?nen, manually best?t. at least 2 m from the planting place distant will be. Best?ung effected best in fr?n. one pfl?t a m?liche Bl? with handle off and removes. The lying exposed stamp becomes now careful into the ge?nete female Bl? eingef?t and the pollen. Anschlie?nd the Bl? with everything well folded, begins to grow the small K?is kr?ig and reaches within 2 weeks the Gr? a medicine ball in dry weather the whole Anbaufl?e is gew?ert now t?ich and every 3 days Fl?igd?er beigef?. 3 K?isse set, is removed all further Bl?n (also the m?lichen), so that no energy wastes f?die Bl?nbildung. Starting from this time the extent of the K?isse is measured and. Only the K?is with the fastest stature is umgebettet the K?is sp?r not its climbs abdr?t and the N?stoffzufuhr interrupted, must it into a position perpendicularly to the impulse. This should take place only in tiny steps and?r several days, since the handle can very easily break off also equal a polystyrene plate under the K?is is pushed, over it before contamination and F?nis too sch?en. to at the end of of August the K?ispflanze far spread and it can necessarily be, side impulses einzuk?en. the sprout broke themselves off and into the earth entrenched. The K?ispflanze embodies its impulses by adventitious roots in the soil. If one wants to shift impulses, that must happen in time, because the zus?lichen roots carry with compost earth to be angeh?elt, in order to energize root growth. At the end of September adjusts the plant its growth and the orange Riesenk?is. Watch out that the crust is not hurt however frost-protected, stored h? it itself until Decembers. Giant has a very tender and aromatic fruchtfleisch. Which is used not immediately, one can freeze.) there are still many further Tipps to the cultivation of Riesenk?issen, but finally verr?wohl no K?isz?ter s?liche secrets at its "competitors". Further K?is -, Zucchini and Kalebassensorten. also touched, to 60 cm long, 5 kg with difficulty, inside orange-yellow, from Guatemala. Orange-yellow, firm, very good-tasting fruchtfleisch. Dunkelgr?violetter, round, serrated Lagerk?is, inside dark-yellow, firm, aromatic fruchtfleisch. Blue, more ufof?iger 5 - 10 kg K?is from Australia, orange fruchtfleisch with high carotin content, Rarit? Wundersch?r, birnenf?iger K?is, which still hardly admits even with K?isliebhabern is. Tr? plentifully up to 10 kg heavy Fr?te, Rarit? Gr?r, touched Lagerk?is, inside yellow-orange, good-tasting, 10 - 20 kg with difficulty, 6 months durable. Multi color Zierk?is, which one can eat in addition, h? itself as Schmuckst? ?r one year. Wundersch?r, dunkelgr?r Lagerk?is, 10 - 20 kg heavily. Zucchini are a popular easy summer in accordance with?. Admits are gr?, cremewei? and also yellow Fr?te. Particularly this very productive yellow sort with gr?r point sch?ist. Gelbgr?, round Zucchini, young harvest. Untertassenf?ige yellow, flatround Zucchini, young harvest. Developed a long durable Zierk?is. Untertassenf?ige wei?, flatround Zucchini, young harvest. Developed a long durable Zierk?is. Century well-known, wei?gr?panaschierte, franz?sche sort. The decorative strips show up only with matured Fr?ten. Century well-known, yellow gr?panaschierte, franz?sche sort. The decorative strips show up only with matured Fr?ten. Dunkelgr?, oval-round Fr?te, young harvest. Keulenf?ige, yellow, warzige Zucchini, matured durable as Zierk?is. Creme Zucchini, one fr? Gourmetsorte of exzellenter Fruchtqualit? buschige, kurztriebige plants. Touched one, climbing Zucchini, young Fr?te are roasted or grilled, develop a multicolored durable Zierk?is. Buschf?ig increasing Zucchini, young Fr?te are roasted or grilled, develop a multicolored durable Zierk?is. Gr? wei?gefleckt, kugelf?iger korpus with 30 cm long neck. Hellgr?wei?gefleckte, hand-rising up, gro? Kalebassensorte. After drying leave themselves easily and way wundersch? Vogelh?chen of it make. Also to painting as article for interior decoration. Gr?wei?gestreifte and gefleckte, hundreds of small Kalebassen (5 cm long). Dried and painted versatile usable, z. Fr?r as kinderspielzeug (gyroscope) likes.
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