08 March, 2008
Charles county tax sale required notice
. [ (an error s?st gliss.e in the publication of the text known-)]TJ. [ (mentionn., appeared in the Official Journal of the 18)-215. (of the d.partements, like l?ttribution)Tj. (of the mobile services for the l.gislature 2003-2006)Tj. [ (the five d.partements are suivants)-120.7(D.partement of Sant., of the social Affairs and de)]TJ. [ (the d.partements are r.partis fa.on suivante)-120.7(D.partement of Sant., social Affairs and de)]TJ. [ (itulaire)-120(:)0(Jean-Fran.ois Roth)-120. [ (the mobile services are attribu.s fa.on suivante)-120.7(Le Service of the communes, the cantonal Police force)]tj. [ (l?ffice of the v.hicules and l?ffice of the s.curit. and of la)]TJ. (Sant., of the social Affairs and Police.7(Le Service of the coop.ration and the Service of l?tat)]TJ. [ (civil and of the inhabitants are attribu.s in D.partement)]TJ. (between women and men are attribu.s in D.parte-)Tj. (l?x.cution of the sorrows, the Service of the register foncier)Tj. (and of the trade register, the Offices of for-)Tj. [ (continuations and bankruptcies are attribu.s in D.partement of la)]TJ.7(Le Service of l?nformatic is attribu.. Chan-)]TJ. (pr.sent It arr.t. between into force imm.diatement. [ (the official?-100(Journal of R.publique and Canton of Jura)-100(?0(para.t each week)]tj. [ (can tre avanc. if the date of publication is day f.ri..45 the mm, on two columns. the page \(une colonne)-100(:)]TJ. A publication can tre retir.e only by a personne)Tj. [ (comp.tgraft)-100(.)0(if the composition is termin.e, it is factur.e. (withdrawal can tre donn.s only jusqu?u Tuesday. 8. 30. [ (Official Journal of R.publique and Canton of Jura)-100(?0. (To announce the recti?ations d?dresses)Tj. (concerning the compensatory rates d?nt.r.ts)Tj (moratory, r.mun.ratoire and on paiements)Tj (voluntary applicable to the imp.ts directs)Tj. [ (the rate of moratory l?nt.r.t applicable to the imp.ts)]TJ. [ (rates of l?nt.r.t r.mun.ratoire, compensatoire)]TJ. [ (n.gatif and compensatory positive applicable to the imp.ts)]TJ. (the rate of l?nt.r.t on voluntary payments applicable)Tj.1(: Saint-Marcel Church. Del.mont.1(: Marcel Hubleur \(PLR \), a.n. of the d.put.s)]tj.1(: Pierre Li.vre \(PDC \), Gilles Pierre)]TJ. [ (Secr.tariat)-110(: Jean-Claude Montavon, Vice-chancelier)]TJ.1(: Francis Girardin \(PS \) and Fritz Winkler \(PLR\))]tj. (d.put.s, and Pascal Prince \(PCSI \), suppl.ant. [ (Opening of the s.nce by l?.n. of the d.put.s, Marcel)]TJ. (Report/ratio of the Government on l?lection of the d.pu-)Tj. (alidation of l?lection of the d.put.s and the sup-)Tj. [ (A l?nanimit., the Parliament validates l?lection des)]TJ. [ (d.put.s and of the suppl.ants lus the 20)-247. (Roll-call of the d.put.s and the suppl.ants)Tj. [ (It is proc.d.. l?ppel nominal of the 58 d.put.s et)]TJ. [ (Boillat Fran.ois-Xavier)-2881(Meury R.my)]TJ. (Marcel Hubleur \(PLR \) made the solemn promise. (solemn Promise of the d.put.s and the suppl.ants)Tj. (pr.sident It collects the promise of the d.put.s et)Tj. [ (Boillat Fran.ois-Xavier)-2881(Meyer G.rard)]TJ. (the Inaugural speech of youngest the d.put.e, Ir.ne)Tj. [ (Madeleine Amgwerd \(PDC \) is lue by 48 voix)-120. (H.che \(PS \), Jean-Fran.ois Roth \(PDC \), Laurent)Tj. [ (Schaffter \(PCSI \) and G.rald Schaller \(PDC \) make the pro-)]TJ. (\(La Nouvelle Rauracienne is chant.e by l?ssem-)Tj.1(: Pierre Li.vre \(PDC \), Gilles Pierre)]TJ. [ (Secr.tariat)-110(: Jean-Claude Montavon, Vice-chancelier)]TJ.8(i)0(ncent Gigandet \(PDC \), Francis Girardin \(PS\))]tj.1(: Gabriel Cattin \(PDC \), Maria Lorenzo-Fleury)]TJ. [ (\(PS \), Manuel Will prick \(PLR \) and Fran.ois V)69. [ (\(La s.ance is open. 9 hours in pr.sence of 60)]TJ. [ (Pierre-Andr. Count \(PS \) is lu by 40 voix)-120. [ (Alain Schweingruber \(PLR \) is lu by 52 voix)-120.1(:)0(Fritz Winkler \(PLR \), by 58 votes, et)]TJ. (Jean-Jacques Leech \(PDC \), by 49 votes. (Two tellers suppl.ants of Parlement)Tj. (voice, and Bluette Riat \(PS \), by 45 votes. [ (G.rald Schaller \(PDC \), minister, is lu par)]TJ. [ (Jean-Fran.ois Roth \(PDC \), minister, is lu par)]TJ. (Election of the Members of the Commissions parlemen-)Tj. (Election of the rempla.ants of the members of the COM-)Tj. (ous the candidates are lus tacitly in virtue de)Tj. [ (Beno.t Gogniat \(PS\))-3805(Francis Beuchat \(PCSI\))]TJ. [ (Fran.ois-Xavier Boillat \(PDC\))-2042. [ (ncent Gigandet \(PDC\))-2135(Gilles Froidevaux \(PS\))]TJ. (Jean-Michel Conti \(PLR \) is lu by 59 votes. [ (Beno.t Gogniat \(PS \) is lu by 48 voix)-120. [ (German Monnerat \(PDC \) is lue by 54)]TJ. [ (Pierre-Andr. Count \(PS \) is lu by 41 voix)-120. [ (ncent Gigandet \(PDC \) is lu by 43 voix)-120. [ (J.r.me?vray \(PDC \) is lu by 49 voix)-120. [ (Jean-Paul Miserez \(PCSI \) is lu by 54 voix)-120. (Jean-Fran.ois Kohler \(PLR\))Tj. (ves Ma.tre \(PDC \) is lu by 46 votes. [ (Hubert Will prick \(PLR \) is lu by 45 voix)-120. (ves Richon \(PS \) is lu by 54 votes. (Commission of the recourse in mati.re d?mp.ts)Tj. (ous the candidates is lus tacitly en)Tj. (Jean-Philippe Kohler \(PLR \) is lu by 47 votes. (Jean-Louis Imhof \(PS \) is lu by 53 votes. (Jean-Claude Jolidon \(PDC \) is lu by 47 votes (ous the candidates are lus tacitly en)Tj. (ous the candidates are lus tacitly in virtue de)Tj. (with the Offices of the continuations and faillites)Tj. (Pr.pos. for the district of Del.mont)Tj.7(a)0(rrin \(PCSI \) is lu by 50 votes. (Jean-Marie Aubry \(PDC \) is lu by 54 votes. (Daniel Farine \(PLR \) is lu by 53 votes. (Election of the chief of Contr.le of the?ances)Tj. Maurice Br.chet \(PDC \) is lu by 42 voix)-120. Maurice Br.chet \(PDC \) made the promise solen-)]TJ. (the contest centralis. bulls of race tachet.e)Tj. (red will take place Thursday 6 f.vrier 2003. 13 hours, on la)Tj [ (place of the March.-Contest. Saignel.gier)73. [ (the ovine liminations 2003 will take place d.s 8 hours)]TJ. (the animals are. to announce. JURANICO, 2853 Court-)Tj. (D.partement of Justice and Finances rend)Tj. [ (report, in its qualit. d?utorit. of monitoring of the fon-)]TJ. (This arr.t. is likely d?pposition aupr.s of D.par-)Tj. (tement of Justice and Finances in the 30 jours)Tj. (l?dmission of the people and the v.hicules. circulated-)Tj. [ (tion routi.re \(OAC \) prescribed that the apprentices chauffeurs)]TJ. [ (of trucks cannot carry out races d?ppren-)]TJ. (weaving that s?ls is accompagn.s d?n monitor de)Tj. [ (led or d?ne nobody autoris.e. to form tels)]TJ. (That which d.sanger to obtain such an authorization owes suivre)Tj. [ (a course d?nstruction and to prove qu?l poss.de les)]TJ. (the people d.sirant to follow the courses of formation)Tj. (d?pprentis truck drivers are pri.es de)Tj. (s?nnoncer by crit. l?ffice of the v.hicules, 2, street de)Tj. (l?nscription will owe tre joined a certi?at of bonnes)Tj. [ (communal life and m?rs of l?utorit. of residence, ainsi)]TJ. (Street Saint-Maurice 7b?2800 Del.mont)Tj. [ (Study, supply, construction, transport, my-)]TJ. [ (tage and brought into service of l?nstallation of distri-)]TJ. (bution low tension of the tunnels of the Pole et)Tj. [ (X low switchboard g.n.ral ten-)]TJ. [ (X low switchboard g.n.ral ten-)]TJ. [ (X switchboard without cut \(TSC\))]TJ. (0 boxes low tension in gallery technique)Tj. [ (transport, assembly and brought into service des)]TJ. (transport, pulling and connection of the c.bles)Tj. [ (d?limentation of the tables, boxes, platinums)]tj. [ (the offers, enti.rement filled, are. retourner)]TJ. [ (under fold ferm. \(lettre-signature or parcel registered \), au)]TJ. [ (average of l?tiquette green self-adhesive d.ment)]TJ. (lies will not be opened and their ne)Tj. authors [ (will not be consid.r.s like soumissionnaires)]TJ. (This amount will be rembours.. any tender-)Tj. [ (naire having pr.sent. a compl.te offer in le)]TJ. To this end, at the time of l?nscription, it est)]TJ. [ (sier will be rembours. once at the pilot [ (subcontractors, suppliers and others int.ress.s)]tj. (the subcontractors, suppliers and others int.res-)Tj. (s.s can galement ask by crit, sans)Tj. (to pour of tax, the list of the tenderers, en)Tj. [ (sending a freed envelope provided with leur)]TJ. (c.s-verbal which will be affich. with the Service of the ponts)Tj. (exemplary request crite d?n of the proc.s-worm-)Tj. [ (ball d?uverture by joining to it the enveloppe)]TJ. (quement most advantageous, on the des)Tj. basis (with unit prices Nets, reduction and escomptes)Tj.6(A will be calcul.e s.par.ment and ajou-)]TJ (t.e on the whole Net of the fees and the expenses [ (against the pr.sgraft proc.dure aupr.s of la)]TJ. (dition weekly of the Official Journal sera)Tj.1(d.cembre 2002. the appointment of the judges assesseurs)]TJ. (Composition for the p.riode 2003-2006 according to d.cision)Tj. [ (\(horlogery, craft industry of the m.tal, m.tallurgie, m.canic)]tj. (Erard Michel, ma.tre-m.canician, 2350 Saignel.gier)Tj. (Sch.ublin Charles-Andr., consulting in l?ndustrie)Tj. [ (\(b.timent, civil wood, g.nie, mines, agriculture, sylvicul-)]TJ. (Lena Cristofaro R.becca, 1970, dessinatrice in b.timent)Tj. (Will prick St.phane, directing BCJ, 2900 Porrentruy)Tj.8(, commer.ant, 2345 Breuleux \(Chambre)]TJ. (Lab Laurent, 2800 Del.mont \(Union of the commer.ants)Tj. [ (Odiet Marcel, typographer, USJ \(Unia\))-120. [ (Kamber Arlette, d.coratrice, USJ \(Unia\))-120. (Berdat Clotilde, 1960, secr.taire-accountant, 2822 Court-)Tj. (ribunal of the beams. rent and. ferme)Tj. (Composition for the p.riode 2003-2006 according to d.cision)Tj. (Five assessors for the takers of residences indivi-)Tj.8(vette, 1960, Pr.fet-Count 23, 2852 Court.telle)-120. [ (Rubin Gilbert, 1946, street of Fahy 6, 2900 Porrentruy)-120. (Five assessors for the financial backers of residences indivi-)Tj. (Chapuis Marianne, agent g.n.ral Mobili.re, 2900 Por-)Tj. (Strahm Michel, g.rant, 2800 Del.mont. [ (kings assessors for the farmers d?xploitations agri-)]TJ. (kings assessors for the financial backers d?xploitations agri-)Tj. [ (Fleury Gilles, 1954, secr.taire of Del.mont Middle-class)]tj. (illard Gilles, secr.taire communal, 2952 Cornol. (Prosecutor g.n.ral of R.publique and Canton of Jura)Tj. [ (the substitute of the prosecutor g.n.ral, considering the complaint port.e)]TJ.7(mai 2002 by the Cabaret Scotch tape Club, repr.sent.)]TJ. [ (by Serge Carron, of unknown residence, against Patrick)]TJ. (Frei, 1984, domicili.. 2852 Court.telle, Chenevi.res)Tj.8(, the Michaelmas 7, for damage. the pro-)]TJ. [ (waited until the part plaintiff N? not provided the s.re-)]TJ. [ (refuses to continue proc.dure, expenses legal par)]TJ.?. the load of the plaintiff, Cabaret Scotch tape Club)]tj (repr.sent. by Serge Carron. [ (Last d.lai for the handing-over of the publications)-100. [ (the civil judge, considering the r.quisition of bankruptcy pr.sent.e par)]TJ. (social. Del.mont \(actuellement without residence l.gal\))Tj. (considering l?vance of expenses effectu.e by the cr.anci.re. savoir)Tj. [ (waited until d.bitrice N? not appeared. l?udience de)]TJ. [ (this day and N? not justi? by title that the cr.ance had t.)]TJ. (acquitt.e in capital, int.r.ts and expenses or that the cr.anci.re)Tj. [ (l?ffice of the bankruptcies comp.tent)-120. [ (informs the qu?l parts can tre interjet. call against le)]TJ. (pr.sent judgement in a 10 days d.lai. compter)Tj. [ (of its noti?ation, by the d.p.t d?n m.moire non.ant)]TJ. (conclusions and facts. l?ppui. pr.senter with the juge)Tj. [ (the civil judge orders to the d.tentor ventuel title sui-)]TJ. [ (to count premi.re publication of the pr.sgraft som-)]TJ. [ (mation, or else the judge will pronounce l?nnulation of it. (grafts with the ench.res publiques)Tj. [ (the cr.anciers hypoth.caires and the holders of charges)]TJ. (fonci.res are somm.s by the pr.sgraft to produce)Tj. (l?ffice, in the d.lai of production?. Ci-apr.s, leurs)Tj. (right on l?mmeuble, in particular their r.clamations)Tj. (d?nt.r.ts and of expenses and to let know in m.me time if la)Tj. (cr.ance guaranteed by pledge is d.chue or has t. d.nonc.e au)Tj. [ (refunding in all or partly, for which et)]TJ amount. The cr.anciers who will not produce dans)Tj. (the d.lai pr.vu will be excluded from the r.partition, for autant)Tj. (that their rights are not constat.s by the registres)Tj. Of m.me the thirds, to which a title hypoth.caire)]TJ. [ (t. donn has. in pledge, must indicate the amount of leur)]TJ. (Owe galement tre annonc.s, in the m.me d.lai, tous)Tj. (the rights of constraint which occurred before 1912, sous)Tj. [ (l?mpire of l?ncian cantonal right, and who n?nt not yet t.)]TJ. (registered in the public registers [ (c.es will not be opposable. l?cqu.ror in good faith de)]TJ. (l?mmeuble grev.. less qu?l did not s?gisse rights which)Tj. [ (d?pr.s the CCS, produce effects of r.elle nature m.me)]TJ. (When the r.alisation relates to a share of copropri.t. \(article)Tj. (73a ORFI \), tre galement annonc.s in the m.me)Tj. [ (d.lai the rights will owe burdening l?mmeuble entier)74(. (Office of the continuations of the district of Porrentruy)Tj. (\(unic s.ance d?nch.res conform.ment with the right of poursuites\))Tj. [ (l?nion. Lugnez, l?mmeuble Ci-apr.s d.crit, apparte-)]TJ.1(62, 2933 Damphreux, will be sold with the ench.res)]TJ. [ (the r.alisation is necessary. the continuation d?ne en)]TJ continuation. [ (?mmeuble is situ. in top of the village from Damphreux. (bathrooms, 1 cellar, 1 office, 1 barn, 1 buande-)Tj. [ (the ench.risseurs will have to provide d?n act d?tat civil)]TJ. (or for the soci.t.s, d?n extract r.cent Register du)Tj. They are made attentive. the law f.d.rale sur)Tj. (l?cquisition d?mmeubles by people. l?tranger)Tj. (the conditions of sale, l?tat of the loads and the rapport)Tj. [ (d?xpertise can tre consult.s. l?ffice soussign.)]tj. [ (Of the guarantees of payment will be exig.es before the pro-)]TJ. (Office of the continuations of the district of Porrentruy)Tj. (\(unic s.ance d?nch.res conform.ment with the right of poursuites\))Tj. Pascal Bratti, In Fountain-All.e 4, 2950 Courgeney)54. (each one, will be sold with the ench.res)Tj. (offices of the continuations and faillites)Tj. [ (the r.alisation is necessary. the continuation d?ne continuation en)]TJ. (pi.ces is situ. in the center of the cheapone. [ (the ench.risseurs will have to provide d?n act d?tat civil)]TJ. (or for the soci.t.s, d?n extract r.cent Register du)Tj. They are made attentive. the law f.d.rale sur)]TJ. (l?cquisition d?mmeubles by people. l?tranger)Tj. (the conditions of sale, l?tat of the loads and the rapport)Tj. [ (d?xpertise can tre consult.s. l?ffice soussign.)]tj. [ (Of the guarantees of payment will be exig.es before the pro-)]TJ. (Office of the bankruptcies of the district of Del.mont)Tj. (graft d?ne family house and of grounds. b.tir)Tj. [ (Office of the bankruptcies of Del.mont puts on sale aux)]TJ. (ench.res public, the buildings d.crits below)Tj. (propri.t. of the succession r.pudi.e fire Andr. Mar-)Tj. [ (chand, in its alive domicili.. Montsevelier)73. (local of plays, local technique with wash-house, r.duit)Tj. [ (d?ntr.e with cage d?scaliers, cloakrooms, WC)-120(/)-119. (office, kitchen with meal, a room, living room avec)Tj. [ (chemin.e. hearth ferm., terrace covered with chemi-)]TJ. (children with 2 bathrooms, 1 room. coucher)Tj. (parents with dressingroom and a bathroom priv.e, deux)Tj. (l?abitation but with acc.s direct via the basement of la)Tj. [ (Piece of ground in zone of construction H2 \(pente)]TJ. [ (Piece of ground in zone of construction H2 \(pente)]TJ. (the conditions of sale will be d.pos.es. l?ffice d.s)Tj. [ (will have to provide d?n civil act d?tat or for les)]TJ. [ (the int.ress.s are made attentive with the restrictions of la)]TJ. [ (relative l.gislation f.d.rale. l?cquisition d?mmeuble)]TJ. [ (by people domicili.es. l?tranger)73. (Office of the bankruptcies of Del.mont. (Office of the bankruptcies of the district of Frank-montagnes)tj. [ (naire of Noirmont, domicili.. Montfaucon, owner le)]TJ. (tion can tre consult.. l?ffice soussign.. [ (actions in dispute of l?tat of collocation DOI-)]TJ. (tre wind introduced into the 20 days. to date from the pr.-)Tj. (feels publication, if not the aforementioned tat will be consid.r. comme)Tj. (Office of the bankruptcies of the Frank. (Office of the bankruptcies of the district of Del.mont)Tj. (Suspension d?ne bankruptcy fault d?ctif)Tj. (trery and gypsery, si.ge social. Del.mont. [ (the liquidation of this bankruptcy, prononc.e the 16 sep-)]TJ. (d?ctif, suspended the 16 d.cembre 2002 by d.cision du)Tj. (If no cr.ancier requests d?ci from January 20 2003)Tj. [ (the continuation of liquidation, by making a avance)]TJ.?pour a summary proc.dure and en)]TJ. (s?ngageant. to cover the ventuels fresh suppl.men-)Tj (taires, liquidation will be closed \(article 230 LP \). [ (In the m.me d.lai, the d.biteurs have l?bligation de)]TJ. [ (s?nnoncer and those which d.tiennent goods of failed)]TJ. [ (some title that it is, are held to put them. say-)]TJ. (position of l?ffice, under threat d?mende \(article 324)Tj. (the people who assert objects are gale-)Tj. (lies held of s?nnoncer in the m.me d.lai. (Office of the bankruptcies of Del.mont. (Office of the continuations and the faillites)Tj. (Suspension d?ne bankruptcy fault d?ctif)Tj. [ (matt. drinks, road of Courgenay 55, 2900 Porren-)]TJ. [ (the liquidation of this bankruptcy, prononc.e 25 novembre)]TJ. [ (2002, have t., then observation of d.faut d?ctif, known-)]TJ. (hung the 12 d.cembre 2002 by d.cision of the judge civil)Tj. (If no cr.ancier requests d?ci from January 20 2003)Tj. [ (the continuation of liquidation, by making a avance)]TJ.?pour a summary proc.dure, la)]TJ. [ (In the m.me d.lai that l?vance of the expenses, and under les)]TJ.7(2, the d.biteurs have l?bligation of s?nnoncer)]TJ. [ (and those which d.tiennent goods of failed. some titre)]TJ. [ (that it is, is held to put them. the provision de)]TJ. (the people who assert objects are gale-)Tj. (lies held of s?nnoncer in the m.me d.lai. (Office of the continuations and the faillites)Tj. (Suspension d?ne bankruptcy fault d?ctif)Tj. [ (the liquidation of this bankruptcy, prononc.e 25 novembre)]TJ. [ (2002, have t., then observation of d.faut d?ctif, known-)]TJ. (hung the 12 d.cembre 2002 by d.cision of the judge civil)Tj. (If no cr.ancier requests d?ci from January 20 2003)Tj. [ (the continuation of liquidation, by making a avance)]TJ.?pour a summary proc.dure, la)]TJ. [ (In the m.me d.lai that l?vance of the expenses, and under les)]TJ.7(2, the d.biteurs have l?bligation of s?nnoncer)]TJ. [ (and those which d.tiennent goods of failed. some titre)]TJ. [ (that it is, is held to put them. the provision de)]TJ. (the people who assert objects are gale-)Tj. (lies held of s?nnoncer in the m.me d.lai. (Office of the continuations and the faillites)Tj. (Suspension d?ne bankruptcy fault d?ctifs)Tj. [ (the liquidation of this bankruptcy, prononc.e 28 octobre)]TJ. (suspended the 18 d.cembre 2002 by d.cision of the juge)Tj. (If no cr.ancier requests d?ci from January 20 2003)Tj. [ (the continuation of liquidation, by making a avance)]TJ.?pour a summary proc.dure, la)]TJ. [ (In the m.me d.lai that l?vance of the expenses, and under les)]TJ.7(2, the d.biteurs have l?bligation of s?nnoncer)]TJ. [ (and those which d.tiennent goods of failed. some titre)]TJ. [ (that it is, is held to put them. the provision de)]TJ. (the people who assert objects are gale-)Tj. (lies held of s?nnoncer in the m.me d.lai. (Office of the continuations and the faillites)Tj. [ (uin 2002, in its alive domicili.. Porrentruy)54. (the liquidation of this succession r.pudi.e, prononc.e)Tj. (d.faut d?ctifs, suspended the 19 d.cembre 2002 by d.ci-)Tj. (If no cr.ancier requests d?ci from January 20 2003)Tj. [ (the continuation of liquidation, by making a avance)]TJ.?pour a summary proc.dure, la)]TJ. [ (In the m.me d.lai that l?vance of the expenses, and under les)]TJ.7(2, the d.biteurs have l?bligation of s?nnoncer)]TJ. [ (and those which d.tiennent goods of failed. some titre)]TJ. [ (that it is, is held to put them. the provision de)]TJ. (the people who assert objects are gale-)Tj. (lies held of s?nnoncer in the m.me d.lai. (Office of the continuations and the faillites)Tj. (Didier Cuenin, accountant f.d.ral dipl.m., Porrentruy)Tj. (certificated Deferment and call with the cr.anciers)Tj. [ (abandonment d?ctifs, c)-110(/o Fiduciary Didier Cuenin, road de)]TJ. (It is port. the knowledge of the cr.anciers concern.s)Tj. [ (that l?tat of collocation and the switchboard?al)]TJ. (are d.pos.s at the liquidator soussign. O they peuvent)Tj. [ (cation and l?tat of the debts of the mass will enter in force)]TJ. [ (Last d.lai for the handing-over of the publications)-100. [ (s?ls is not attaqu.s jusqu?u 29)-203. (mi.re authority of R.publique and Canton of the Jura. Por-)Tj. For the switchboard?al, the d.lai de)]TJ. [ (Waited that l?ntroduction d?ne action in responsabilit.)]TJ. [ (port risk reached to the returning dividend to the cr.an-)]TJ. (ciers privil.gi.s and considering the al.as d?ne legal proc.dure)Tj. (the liquidator and the commission of the cr.anciers give up)Tj. [ (bringing an action in responsabilit. against founded-)]TJ. (teurs, administrators, body of r.vision and others per-)Tj [ (sound charg.es management of Soci.t. Onivia S. (the cr.anciers who d.sireraient to actuate the bodies et)Tj. (people susmentionn.es, for their own account et)Tj. (. their risks and p.rils, can, under penalty of p.remp-)Tj. (tion, to requ.rir the transfer of the rights of the mass. teneur)Tj.8(260 LP in the ten days. to count 9)-249. (Pierre Christe, notary, Del.mont)Tj. [ (?nventaire public of the succession of fire Charles Beu-)]TJ. [ (cat, 1957, originating in Court.telle, in its alive y)]TJ. [ (publications published in the Official Journal N.)-470. [ (By d.cision of the Receipt and Administration of district du)]TJ.4(d.cembre 2002, the d.lai assigned to the h.ritiers pour)]TJ. [ (the communal Council, acting as qualit. d?utorit.)]TJ. [ (tut.laire, has d.cid. d?nstituer a provisional supervision pour)]TJ. [ (bataire, originating d?lle, domicili.e. Del.mont, and de)]TJ. (Autorit. tut.laire of the district of Boudry)Tj. [ (district of Boudry has prononc. l?nterdiction of Giordano)]TJ. [ (Jean-Claude Antoine No.l?s of Giordano Jean and de)]TJ.5(d.cembre 1933, husband, originating in Bonfol, domicili.)]TJ. [ (the clerk of l?utorit. tut.laire)-120(:)0(Sylvain Root. (of Gen.ve instaur. a measurement d?nterdiction en)Tj has. [ (Fa.encerie, 1227 Carouge, with the functions of tutor de)]TJ. [ (Acc.s zone d?ctivit.s and service road fringes Nord)-119. [ (25)-325(juin 1987, the mixed commune of Bassecourt d.pose)]TJ. [ (lies, for its adoption by the Council g.n.ral)-120. [ (the sp.cial plan can tre consult. in Secr.tariat COM-)]TJ. (munal, street of Fenatte 14. Bassecourt, O the opposi-)Tj. [ (tions ventuelles, make by crit and d.ment motiv.es)]tj. [ (owe tre adress.es under letter-signature jusqu?u)]TJ. (Plan sp.cial acc.s zone d?ctivit.s and service road frange)Tj. [ (ral of Wood has adopt. r.glement the suivant)-120. (r.glement the pr.cit. is d.pos. publicly in Secr.-)Tj. (tariat communal during 20 d.s days the pr.sgraft publica-)Tj. (the ventuelles oppositions will be adress.es during le)Tj. [ (d.p.t public, d.ment motiv.es, in Secr.tariat commu-)]TJ. (the Company of the railroads of the Jura \(CJ \), commu-)Tj. [ (that direction of the Company of the ways of fer)]TJ. [ (f.d.rale of the 20)-214(d.cembre 1957 on the ways of fer)]TJ. [ (During the d.lai of publication, which runs of the 8)-242(janvier au)]TJ. [ (f.vrier 2003, whoever having the qualit. of au)]TJ part. (the crites oppositions owe tre envoy.es avec)Tj. [ (request and justi?ation. l?dministration communale)]TJ. (Conform.ment with the provisions l.gales into force and en)Tj. [ (pr.vision of nearest the assembl.e communal which se)]TJ. [ (r.glement concerning the guard and the tax of the chiens)-120. (are d.pos.s publicly in Secr.tariat communal)Tj. [ (O they can tre consult.s 20 days before and 20 jours)]TJ. (the ventuelles oppositions, made by crit and motiv.es)Tj. [ (are. to address during the public d.p.t to Secr.tariat)]TJ.7(Approuver the plan of zones and r.glement the commu-)]TJ. [ (nal on constructions which r.glement have t. d.pos.s du)]TJ.8(Modi?ation of communal the d?ttribution)]TJ. (of the urban d.chets and other d.chets. [ (the r.glements mentionn.s under figures 5, 6 and 7 sont)]TJ. (d.pos.s publicly, 20 days before and 20 apr.s)Tj. days (l?ssembl.e communal, with communal Secr.tariat, o.)Tj. (the ventuelles oppositions will be adress.es during le)Tj. (d.p.t public, d.ment motiv.es, in Secr.tariat COM-)Tj.7(Lecture and approval of proc.s-verbal of DER-)]TJ.1(ter the budget 2003 and?er the communal taxes y)]TJ.7(Discuter and to adopt r.glement eaux.7(Discuter and to adopt r.glement LOCATED the \(Service de)]TJ. [ (the r.glements pr.sent.s with the points)-246. (day will be d.pos.s at the communal Office, 20 jours)Tj (before and 20 days apr.s l?ssembl.e, for consultation.7(Discuter and to approve the quotit. d?mp.t, the taxes)]TJ.7(Rati?r the cr.ation d?n station of secr.taire. temps)]TJ. [ (partial for the direction of the three coles secondaires)]TJ.7(Lecture and approval of proc.s-verbal of DER-)]TJ.7(Adopter the new one r.glement on the taxation de)]TJ.7(Adopter the new one r.glement of the guard and the taxe)]TJ.7(Prendre knowledge and to vote the cr.dit n.cessaire)]TJ. (the installation d?ne s.pulture for the ballot boxes fun.raires.7(Prendre knowledge and to vote the cr.dit n.cessaire)]TJ. [ (the r.glements mentionn.s with the points)-481. (d.pos.s publicly in communal Secr.tariat durant)Tj. (the d.lai l.gal, 20 days before and 20 days apr.s l?ssem-)Tj.7(Fixer the diff.rgraft taxes communales.7(Rati?r the cr.ation d?n station of secr.taire. temps)]TJ. [ (partial for the directions of the three coles secon-)]TJ.7(R.fection of the road, direction Bois)-120.7(Lecture of proc.s-verbal of the derni.re assembl.e.7(Fixer the quotit. d?mp.t, taxes communal et)]TJ.7(Discuter and to adopt new r.glement the concer-)]TJ. (nant the guard and the tax of the dogs. [ (r.glement the mentionn. with the point)-416(3 is d.pos. publi-)]TJ. (quement 20 days before and 20 days apr.s l?ssembl.e au)Tj (communal Secr.tariat, O it can tre consult.. (the ventuelles oppositions, d.ment motiv.es, seront)Tj. (adress.es during the public d.p.t in Secr.tariat commu-)Tj. (the communal tariff susmentionn., adopt. by l?ssem-)Tj. [ (approuv. by the Service of the communes, the 12)-231. [ (munal has d.cid. of?er its bringing into force with the 1)]TJ. [ (r.glement, as well as the d.cision d?pprobation, little-)]TJ. (wind tre consult.s in communal Secr.tariat. [ (having Them voting rights in mati.re communal sont)]TJ. [ (l?ffet to come to a conclusion about the suivante)-120 question. [ (you Accept, according to the message of the Council communal)-120. [ (the cr.dit of construction for the d.chettery. b.tir)]TJ. (Secr.tariat of common eccl.siastique.7(Lecture of proc.s-verbal of the derni.re assembl.e.7(Election of two advisers-.res of paroisse.7(Lecture of proc.s-verbal of the derni.re assembl.e. [ (Last d.lai for the handing-over of the publications)-100. (of the administrative autorit.s eccl.siastiques)Tj. [ (rev.tement cr.pi min.ral white cass.)-120.8(brunes)-120(. appendix. flat roof \(balcon terrasse\))-120(.)]TJ. (opening of 4 attic windows to the roofs and 2 velux aux)Tj.2(. request for lib.ration to build a shelter de)]TJ. (public D.p.t of the request, with plans, jusqu?u)Tj.6(f.vrier 2003, in communal Secr.tariat, O the opposi-)]TJ. (tions, the r.serves of right as well as the ventuelles)Tj. (loads, made by crit and motiv.es, will be re.ues)Tj. [ (pr.tentions. compensation of the loads which n?nt)]TJ. (not t. annonc.es. l?utorit. communal during le)Tj. [ (d.lai d?pposition is p.rim.es \(article)-290.5(48 d.cret concerning the proc.dure d?ctroi du)]TJ. [ (900, GSM 1800, UMTS)-120(. establishment on the b.timent)]TJ. (public D.p.t of the request, with plans, jusqu?u)Tj.6(f.vrier 2003, in communal Secr.tariat O the opposi-)]TJ. (tions, make by crit and motiv.es, will be re.ues jusqu?)Tj.9(Michel Klopfenstein, street of South 42, 2504 Bienne.1(: Construction d?ne family house, on la)]TJ. [ (561, located with the locality?-140(?ches Navez)-140(?)]TJ.1(. heating by pump. heat avec)]TJ. [ (\(sur.l.vation of the original ground sup.rieure. 1)-247. (public D.p.t of the request, with plans, jusqu?u)Tj.6(f.vrier 2003, in communal Secr.tariat, O the opposi-)]TJ. (tions, the r.serves of right as well as the ventuelles)Tj. (loads, made by crit and motiv.es, will be re.ues)Tj. [ (pr.tentions. compensation of the loads which n?nt)]TJ. (not t. annonc.es. l?utorit. communal during le)Tj. [ (d.lai d?pposition is p.rim.es \(article)-290.5(48 d.cret concerning the proc.dure d?ctroi du)]TJ.1(: Am.nagement of places of park \(9 places of sta-)]TJ. (public D.p.t of the request, with plans, jusqu?u)Tj.6(f.vrier 2003, in communal Secr.tariat, O the opposi-)]TJ. (tions, the r.serves of right as well as the ventuelles)Tj. (loads, made by crit and motiv.es, will be re.ues)Tj. [ (pr.tentions. compensation of the loads which n?nt)]TJ. (not t. annonc.es. l?utorit. communal during le)Tj. [ (d.lai d?pposition is p.rim.es \(article)-290.5(48 d.cret concerning the proc.dure d?ctroi du)]TJ.1(: s.chage of tobacco, b.tail, machines agri-)]TJ. Form and mat.riaux identical. the pre-)]TJ. [ (to obtain these formulas, please address itself. l?]TJ. (public D.p.t of the request, with plans, jusqu?u)Tj. (f.vrier 2003, in communal Secr.tariat O the opposi-)Tj. (tions, make by crit and motiv.es, will be re.ues jusqu?)Tj.5(Jean-Marc and Alain Joliat, architectes)]TJ. (Shala, street of Golatte 31, 2800 Del.mont.1(: Construction d?ne family house with b.cher)]TJ. [ (cement, insulation teases min.rale and alba. l?tage, briques)]TJ. (public D.p.t of the request, with plans, jusqu?u)Tj. (f.vrier 2003, in communal Secr.tariat, O the opposi-)Tj. [ (tions, the r.serves of right as well as the ventuelles)]TJ. (loads, made by crit and motiv.es, will be re.ues)Tj. [ (pr.tentions. compensation of the loads which n?nt)]TJ. (not t. annonc.es. l?utorit. communal during le)Tj. [ (d.lai d?pposition is p.rim.es \(article)-290.5(48 d.cret concerning the proc.dure d?ctroi du)]TJ. [ (existing +)-384(couvert contiguous, on piece N)]TJ. (round of applause of Ire, located. the street of the Cross. Ire)Tj. (public D.p.t of the request, with plans, jusqu?u)Tj. (f.vrier 2003, in communal Secr.tariat, O the opposi-)Tj. [ (tions, the r.serves of right as well as the ventuelles)]TJ. (loads, made by crit and motiv.es, will be re.ues)Tj. [ (pr.tentions. compensation of the loads which n?nt)]TJ. (not t. annonc.es. l?utorit. communal during le)Tj. [ (d.lai d?pposition is p.rim.es \(article)-290.5(48 d.cret concerning the proc.dure d?ctroi du)]TJ.1(: Construction d?ne family house, on by-)]TJ. (public D.p.t of the request, with plans, jusqu?u)Tj. (f.vrier 2003, in communal Secr.tariat, O the opposi-)Tj. (tions, the r.serves of right as well as the ventuelles)Tj. (loads, made by crit and motiv.es, will be re.ues)Tj. [ (pr.tentions. compensation of the loads which n?nt)]TJ. (not t. annonc.es. l?utorit. communal during le)Tj. [ (d.lai d?pposition is p.rim.es \(article)-290.5(48 d.cret concerning the proc.dure d?ctroi du)]TJ.1(: Construction d?ne family house avec)]TJ. [ (r.duit and covered for car, on piece N)]TJ. [ (of the round of applause of Ire, located. the street of V)69. [ (bricks TC, rev.tement cr.pissage of color claire)-120(.)]TJ. [ (cover in tiles of color brune)-120(. heating par)]TJ. (public D.p.t of the request, with plans, jusqu?u)Tj. (f.vrier 2003, in communal Secr.tariat, O the opposi-)Tj. (tions, the r.serves of right as well as the ventuelles)Tj. (loads, made by crit and motiv.es, will be re.ues)Tj. [ (pr.tentions. compensation of the loads which n?nt)]TJ. (not t. annonc.es. l?utorit. communal during le)Tj. [ (d.lai d?pposition is p.rim.es \(article)-290.5(48 d.cret concerning the proc.dure d?ctroi du)]TJ. [ (Marc and Alain Joliat, architects ETS, street of l?)36.1(: Construction d?ne family house, on by-)]TJ. [ (insulation teases min.rale, bricks TC)-120. (public D.p.t of the request, with plans, jusqu?u)Tj. (f.vrier 2003, in communal Secr.tariat O the opposi-)Tj. (tions, make by crit and motiv.es, will be re.ues jusqu?)Tj. [ (sur.l.vation of the administrative part of l?sine)-120. (public D.p.t of the request, with plans, jusqu?u)Tj. (f.vrier 2003, in communal Secr.tariat O the opposi-)Tj. (tions, make by crit and motiv.es, will be re.ues jusqu?)Tj.1(: Construction d?ne family house avec)]TJ. (public D.p.t of the request, with plans, jusqu?u)Tj. (f.vrier 2003, in communal Secr.tariat O the opposi-)Tj. (tions, make by crit and motiv.es, will be re.ues jusqu?)Tj.2(Jean Boillat, Muriaux, 2338 Emibois-)]TJ.1(: Construction d?ne given. machines and furnace-)]TJ. (public D.p.t of the request, with plans, jusqu?u)Tj. (f.vrier 2003, in communal Secr.tariat O the opposi-)Tj. (tions, make by crit and motiv.es, will be re.ues jusqu?)Tj. (In the framework of the projects of cyberadministration, Ser-)Tj. (the Jura \(RCJU \) wishes to reinforce its quipe d.velop-)Tj.8(, you will work on d.veloppement of the appli-)]TJ. [ (cations Internet \(contenu, dialogue, transaction \) of la)]TJ. [ (RCJU)-120(. your t.ches will consist in the follow-up of all les)]TJ. [ (tapes of d.veloppement d?ne internet)]TJ. application (since the sp.ci?ations to the aspects of performance et)Tj. [ (of test, design, installation and optimisation)-120. [ (the follow-up of our platform management of the contents et)]TJ. [ (publication Internet to guarantee l?volution and the qualit.)]TJ. [ (otre pro?)-120(:)0(titular d?n dipl.me d?ng.nieur)36. (ciez d?ne exp.rience practises d?u less three years dans)Tj. (d.veloppement of software with x-ray on the appli-)Tj.1(cr.atif-ive, capable of g.rer of the projects de)]TJ. [ (mani.re ind.pendante, you ma.trisez l?nglais \(.crit et)]TJ.1(. you lay out d?xcellentes in addition know-)]TJ. [ (sances in the fields suivants)-120. (grammation HTML, JavaScript, VBScript, C, C++, Perl)Tj.5(, XML and ASP \(des comp.tences JSP)164. [ (tation Windows NT/2000, Novell Netware, UNIX-AIX et)]TJ. We thank you d?nvoyer votre)]TJ. [ (the Jura, street of 24-September 3, 2800 Del.mont, with la)]TJ. (Moreover fuller information can tre obtenus)Tj.7(Arnold Christe, chief of the Service of l?nfor-)]TJ. (the Service of the bridges and chauss.es puts at the contest des)Tj. [ (d?quipe to carry out l?ntretien road r.seau cantonal.1(. clearing out of the drains, d.potoirs and drai-)]TJ.1(given in tat of indication and installed-)]TJ. (quipes d?ntervention 24 H out of 24, etc.1(: CFC in a profession in relation to les)]TJ. (formation and exp.rience practise in connection with les)Tj.1(: according to l?chelle of the treatments in vigueur)73.5(Jean Bianchi, inspector of the roads, t.l. [ (the candidatures owe tre adress.es with the Service du)]TJ. (personal of R.publique and Canton of the Jura, street du)Tj. [ (24-September 3, 2800 Del.mont, with the mention?-130. (the r.gionaux Social services of R.publique and Edge-)Tj. [ (your of the Jura put at the contest the station suivant)-120. (For the Social service r.gional of the district of Del.mont)Tj.1(: to fill the t.ches li.es with the field of l?ide)]TJ.1(: dipl.me d?ne cole sup.rieure in travail)]TJ. (nelle, administrative and good comp.tences know-)Tj.1(: according to l?chelle cantonal or institutions)]TJ.)-263(Michel Ammann, director of the Social service r.gional)]TJ. [ (the candidatures owe tre adress.es with the Council de)]TJ. (management of the r.gionaux Social services of R.pu-)Tj. (blic and Canton of the Jura, by its pr.sidente M)Tj. [ (accompagn.es of the usual documents, jusqu?u 18)-304. (the CRASS French \(Conf.rence of the businesses sanitaires)Tj. (?ntr.e in around fifty constitutes a phase tank-)Tj. It s?git d?ne p.riode of transition which caract.-)]TJ. [ (small channel by some vuln.rabilit. \(premiers signs de)]TJ. (physical d.gradation, ch.mage, r.duction of the perspec-)Tj. (tives of carri.re professional, difficult.s d?dapta-)Tj. [ (tion \), but also by a potential. to put in valeur)]TJ. (professional \(exp.rience, utilit. social?soins des)Tj (a.n.s, ducation of the little children? community life \). [ (On the d?ne basis analyzes pr.alable litt.rature li.e)]TJ. (with the th.me of the sant. of the people of more than 50 years)Tj. (of the made recommendations continuations. this analysis and en)Tj. [ (ad.quation with waitings of the French cantons and du)]TJ. [ (\(Dispositif DiPPS intercantonal for Pr.vention and la)]TJ. [ (Promotion of Sant. \) and Sant Promotion. Switzerland, le)]TJ. [ (concept d?n project d?ne 3 years dur.e for the promotion-)]tj. (tion of the mental and social sant. of the people de)Tj. (Exp.rience signi?ative in the design, l?labo-)Tj. [ (ration of requ.tes of?ancement and the direction de)]TJ. [ (nt.r.t. collaboration with diff.rents partenaires)]TJ. (Ma.trise of the current data-processing tools. (the people who d.sirent to consult the Service de)Tj. (the consultations take place, in theory)Tj. [ (l?ttribution d?n second mandate as a de)]TJ.1(chief: the tablit agent a chif-)]TJ offer. The payment will be effectu. for moiti. au)]TJ. (Of the information compl.mentaires can au)Tj. (tre need obtained. this adresse.1(: open proc.dure according to publica-)]TJ. [ (tion in the Swiss official Sheet of the trade du)]TJ.1(juin 2002 and in the Official Journal of R.publique)]TJ. (compartmental of Courchapoix-Corban-Montsevelier \(tra-)Tj. [ (\(travaux in subcontracting at the Office Jean-Daniel W)36.
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