14 March, 2008

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Macondo shack, School of Dizione, National Center for the Promotion of the Creative Reading to High Voice If you do not read the text here over clicca here news, reflections, history, metric, competitions, techniques TELL HISTORY Of STRETCH INDIANA. from where parts to where you want to arrive HAIPOMACO'. - YOUR POSTCARDS HAIKU SENDED To SHACK MACONDO HAICOM - HAIKU INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY SHACK MACONDO - POSTCARDS HAIKU SENDED To SHACK MACONDO From FRIENDS HAIJIN SCATTERED FOR the WORLD High Creative Reading to V? and Poetica Haiku. HAIKU INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY SHACK MACONDO HAIPOMAC - ONE FOR ALL, ALL FOR ONE HAIKU POSTCARDS MAILING ART COLLECTION. You write on the back, by hand, in clear and leggibile way, a simple one haiku. You affix the stamp, you write the date, signed with name and last name, sent to:. We have tried to transcribe the pi?edelmente possible text originale.Se you?ualche error or imprecisione us? had to the grafia simply little clear, or decidedly illeggibile, dell.autore HAIKU INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY SHACK MACONDO HAIPOMAC - ALL FOR ONE, ONE FOR ALL HAIKU POSTCARDS MAILING ART COLLECTION POSTCARDS WITH HAIKU SEND TO SHACK MACONDO. Handwrite on the back, in clear writing, to simple haiku.Attach to stamp, add the dates and your full signature, then send it to: Macondo shack - Borgata Madonna of the Rovere, 4 10020 River Near Chieri - Turin - Italy YOUR POSTCARD WILL BECOME To HAIGA more write We have tried to down the closely as possible the original text. If to there is loads mistake or error this is simply two to spelling unclear, or decidedly unreadable, author. AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Lucy Sobrero not a postcard, but a ticket that is opened like that they send themselves for the auguries of Been born them. A great sunflower with the petals and full the dark center of seeds, along stem and leaves greens. AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Sergio Beautiful Zuccaro, attractive figure of woman photographed from the yellow hat until little over the ginocchia, nell.atto to become unstrung a bathrobe of color similar to the hat. He has a beautiful blouse R-a.vista white woman discinta and tette with large capezzoli that seem dark eyes that watch to you. On the background, a po. sfuocata, perhaps one cascatella d.acqua.La written white woman: un fantastic. ?opra the ace. Little pi?n low, all.altezza of the ventre, the word KISS, written in great and white woman. STATE DI PROVENIENZA:probabilmente illeggibile Spain-stamp AUTHOR Of the Given pain TESTO:Annelisa Picture of Marc Chagall IL EXTENDED POET. (1915) conserved to the Tate Gallery. A green Prato with small house and stable, a horse, a porcellino, some firs. Nearly all played with various shadings and tonalit?i greens. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Marc Chagall. The Poet Reclining 1915 AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Ines Scarparolo one illustration, perhaps of a book for children, probably the Thousands and One Night. Un.alta thin tower that ends with one aims typical Arabic dell.architettura. It points out you to two windows to arc three personages with turban who watch towards the bottom. To right of the tower a circle with a series of beams colors to you. A red color with various shadings fills up the postcard AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:illustrazione di Alida Massari MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Falzea Publisher AUTHOR Of the TESTO:David Cobb SUBJECT KIND CARTOLINA:buca of letters Large Association of Bologna of a hole of letters, metallic, red, incastonata in a wall of mattoni that they frame it. On sommit?itte the leaves of ivy of it they cover a border grazing the fissure. A quadratino black it brings the written number 2. in.bianco. On the metal (the cassette mails them rectangular seems the many large) risaltano to relief letters G and R sormontate from one crown. To flank of the crown the black hole of the toppa. The taken?tata photo from the same David Cobb and, presumablly?a its hole of letters, and the wall its house. L.haiku not?critto by hand, but printed on the back of the postcard. David has taken the photo and in 1998 it has produced of the postcards with printed its haiku. With autograph writing David its salutes send us. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:foto David Cobb MANUFACTURER Of The CARTOLINA:Abacus-Colour Printers AUTHOR Of The TESTO:Giorgio Gazzolo. On the back of the postcard not there are in fact the classic destined lines all.indirizzo. and the?i?ottile paper of that one of one postcard. The photo, or the painting, Association of Bologna extension in three figures of boys who play to football. Also the football, as soon as scalciato from the ginocchio of the child they centers?ero in means to the yellow sky with various shadings that seem a sunset. The low land strip on which the three figures?era anch.essa like one play dark shadow. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:una species of company. CITTA'. OF PROVENIENZA:Portoferraio - Island d.Elba AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Pietro Tartamella-Anna Verrastro Maria. A profile of coast on the background, with the small beach of Head White man to Portoferraio, and houses. Flowers rose on sommit?i one cliff in Association of Bologna, to right of the photo, nearly to guard dell.insenatura. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:foto Roberto Ridi. AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Fabia Binci and Filippo the Colosseo with all its arches fills up the postcard. In Association of Bologna the stone white woman of a parapet on which?oggiato sornione a cat that watches towards l.osservatore. MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Edizioni S. Indigo AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Pietro Typical Tartamella nature of the from Tuscany landscape. A series of sweet hills cultivated to grain with to the center un.oasi of high trees. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:foto M. MANUFACTURER Of CARTOLINA:Edizioni CMP Siena AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Anna Verrastro Maria For all its length the postcard introduces one up strip of vanished blue that?ielo and mountain. A second strip of color?l viola of the lavender, a great field where three oaks grow isolated. The third strip of color (pi?n)?l low yellow (perhaps grain or grass with glares of light) put in from viola of the lavender. Low on the left the dell.autore company of the photo. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:foto Claudius Calvani. AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Oscar Luparia has sended dipped in a blue sky the complex of the high tops with Sassolungo. To the feet of the summits, until to the edge low of the postcard, a great Prato and the immense shadow of one cloud. In the center of the Prato risen of wood log small house-shelter and a small wood. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:foto Hans CITTA'. OF PROVENIENZA:Riomaggiore-Cinque Lands AUTHOR Of The TESTO:Fabia Binci. Up the Riomaggiore country, to 5 Lands with the houses one stuck all.altra and on the background a green hill piece and a blue sky piece. The second one fascia. ?ostituita from the wharf with some boats in sand bank on the climb that door to the country. Third fascia. ?a surface of the sea, one mirror d.acqua. The quarter wraps, the pi?assa in the postcard, extension ci?he c.?otto the hair dell.acqua: fish and alghe MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Imagebank-5 Boschi&Pasini Lands AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Tommy Crosara nocturnal landscape of Paris with a great illuminated bridge that passes on the Senna and joins the two parts of the citt?ivisa from waters. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:foto Brigitte Merle MANUFACTURER Of The CARTOLINA:Abeille-Cartes. Editions Lyna Paris AUTHOR Of The TESTO:Tommy Crosara. The Tour illuminated Eiffel fills up for all its height the postcard. In Association of Bologna two pylons of the bridge Alexandre III it illuminates anch.essi to you from the bottom. A red sky and, low, citt?acchia dark of houses with lights here and l?AUTORE Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:foto Risler the MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Agense Colorise AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Michele Bertolotto KIND SUBJECT CARTOLINA:passegiata sea a end of Course Emperor to Sanremo, walk sea with palms, the sea increspato from the wind, three persons who watch the waves. In Association of Bologna one balustrade that costeggia one rampa in reduction. MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:propriet?sel AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Fabia Encircled Binci, nearly wrapped, from the folto fogliame of the garden, the king statue Federico II camps to the center of the postcard. Sight from the bottom the figure of the king with sword and scettro in hand appears arrogant all ink of a red-gold. To the feet of the statue one panther with makes us opened AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Ubaldi Fotovideo AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Anna brief Verrastro Maria of the lago of Vadstena in the tenuous light of the North. In Association of Bologna cliffs waved and, in most Association of Bologna, forelocks of red and yellow flowers with sturdy steles AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:foto J?en Larsson AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Anna Verrastro Maria BE DI Blue PROVENIENZA:Francia-Costa AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Fabia Binci and Filippo. On the background, under a cloudy sky the far mountains and the lights of citt?ABBRICANTE Of the CARTOLINA:Edition Florian Mistral the AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Pietro Tartamella - Anna Maria Verrastro L.Arco di illuminated Trionfo of night from the lampposts and the beacons that put it in prominence coloring it d.oro. A?isibile lamppost just within l.Arco. Some Persons, and their shadows, to the feet dell.Arco. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Photo Masterfile MANUFACTURER Of The CARTOLINA:Abeille-Cartes. Editions Lyna Paris AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Clelia Vaudano the greens from Liguria hills with on the background the countries of Pigna and Castelvittorio defends to you around to their bell towers. In Association of Bologna, on the left, some houses that watch the asphalted road low MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Hotel Restaurant Adolph AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Simona Piotto. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Photo Masterfile MANUFACTURER Of The CARTOLINA:Abeille-Cartes. Editions Lyna Paris AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Maria Cira Brown SUBJECT KIND floreale CARTOLINA:composizione manual CARTOLINA:Composizione DESCRIPTION of small flowers of field executed dall.autrice on a ticket d.auguri, protect from a paper sheet transparent velina AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Maria Cira Brown MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Maria Cira Brown. AUTHOR Of The TESTO:Beatrice Sanalitro. In Association of Bologna some small motorboats, other boats in sand bank on the beach. On the background some houses low white women. The colored shutters of the negozietti, and sluices. MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Rebus Editions AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Annette Seimer SUBJECT KIND CARTOLINA:canale with gondola small CARTOLINA:un DESCRIPTION channel of Venice. One family of Japanese or vietnamiti on one gondola. Gondoliere with shirt to strisce red and white women seen of shoulders. Also along white woman and red ones addle strisce. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Marc De Tollenaere MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Storti Editions srl AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Fabia Binci CARTOLINA:Torrione DESCRIPTION of the Montirozzo of XV the century, to Jesi. Behind: one modern house on the right: trees AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Flavio Giaccaglini MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Flavio Giaccaglini AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Anna Verrastro Maria. They calmly seem to eat and to chat between they. AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Anna Maria Verrastro-Peter Tartamella CARTOLINA:Il DESCRIPTION torrent Barbarism slides calm under an old one ponticello of diroccata stone. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Fabio Chironi AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Clelia Vaudano-Michele Bertolotto CARTOLINA:Un DESCRIPTION intense blue sea with tens of sailing boats, perhaps one regatta. On the skillful side of the photo a stone wall. AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Giorgio Gazzolo the dark lines of coppers of the trees resumed to the sunset from the bottom. On the background a sky color cream with shadings that go towards the dark one. Twisted and knotted coppers like a disegno/ricamo. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Giorgio Gazzolo MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Giorgio Gazzolo AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Michele Bertolotto CARTOLINA:cartolina DESCRIPTION uniform in 6 rectangles colors to you with ceramics objects, mosaics (one snake head, a plate, and two circles with written Park G?l. Also a communication trench under once of stone that rests on stone columns. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Antoni Gaud?ark Guell MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Pere Vivas AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Michele Bertolotto CARTOLINA:Il DESCRIPTION tempio de the Sagrada Familia with highest seen guglie dall.alto. Around garden and palaces uniforms from the roads AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Pere Vivay CITTA'. OF PROVENIENZA:Beaulieu-sur-Mer AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Michele Bertolotto-Clelia Vaudano painted CARTOLINA:Il DESCRIPTION dell.insenatura of Beaulieu-sur-Mer, between Nizza and Montecarlo. On the background the full of rocks cape. in Association of Bologna a plant and the spots of color of the flowers bloom to you, red, yellow, white men AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Pierre Comba MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Gilletta Carterie SMD AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Pietro Tartamella CARTOLINA:la DESCRIPTION citt?ecchia of Ventimiglia specchia in calm and limpid waters of the Roya river. The resumed?tato end from the footbridge that joins the two sides, from the side of the foce of the river. AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Riccardo During half-open CARTOLINA:melograno DESCRIPTION, seems one mouth with rosati teeth AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Riccardo DurantiFABBRICANTE Of CARTOLINA:Riccardo During CITTA'. OF PROVENIENZA:Embrun Hautes-Alpes AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Michele Bertolotto CARTOLINA:di DESCRIPTION forehead the bell tower of the Notre Cathedral Checkerses du R? of XII the century, encircled from the houses defended on a cocuzzolo. A fog-haze cloud wraps the landscape to the first lights dell.alba. MANUFACTURER Of CARTOLINA:Images DES 4 saisons CITTA'. OF PROVENIENZA:Arona - Lago Greater AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Anna Verrastro Maria CARTOLINA:Primo DESCRIPTION slowly of two swans white men who swim on a lago in which the blue sky is reflected. MANUFACTURER Of The CARTOLINA:Garami Milan CITTA'. OF PROVENIENZA:Arona-Lago Greater AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Pietro Tartamella CARTOLINA:L.isola DESCRIPTION Fishermen wrapped in a light rose fucsia much evocative MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Kina Italy Milan AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Fabia Binci CARTOLINA:Il DESCRIPTION Pianetti palace catches a glimpse itself hardly, hidden com.?a a tree of cachi loaded with snow and fruits MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Stampa Nova AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Fabia Binci CARTOLINA:Torrione DESCRIPTION of guard exposed to noon, imposing medioevale construction representing the particular one of the perron that he leads to the guardiola. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Ubaldi Fotovideo MANUFACTURER Of The CARTOLINA:Ubaldi Fotovideo AUTHOR Of The TESTO:Janick Belleau(. The skillful part of the small?rrotondata palace and to according to plan un.ampia the covered balcony?ppena from the extension of the roof. Between the palace and the roseto a gravel path is caught a glimpse cosparso, to whose edge stone park bench is found one and a cippo. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Gilles Mermet MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Castelet, Boulogne AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Monique Coudert separated CARTOLINA:L.opera DESCRIPTION, from the title it Charlene. (1954)?ell.artista American Robert Rauschenberg (1925) and?onservata to the Stedelijk Museum (Amsterdam). AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Robert Rauschenberg MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Stedelijjk Museum, Amsterdam AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Anna Verrastro Maria long CARTOLINA:Sentiero DESCRIPTION the wall, covered of murales colors to you. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Lehnartz Photographies MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Image Network Company AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Anna Verrastro Maria DESCRIPTION CARTOLINA:Veduta di Potsdamer Platz with the thread spinato in frontal perspective. in bottom the popular houses probably of the periphery and, Un.alta factory chimney. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Lehnartz FotografieFABBRICANTE Of the CARTOLINA:Image Network Company Berlin AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Carla Lorizzo CARTOLINA:Primo DESCRIPTION slowly of knows itself submergeeed dall.acqua limpid and as soon as moved of the torrent, he illuminates from the sun AUTHOR to you Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:autoprodotta AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Janick Belleau. AUTHOR OF THE SUBJECT IN $ARTOLINA:CHAMBON. AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Janick Belleau black CARTOLINA:Interno DESCRIPTION in.bianco and of the cathedral of Saint-Eustache, with perspective from the bottom and the light that MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Saint Eustache filters from rosoni the AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Eric Sander AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Janick Belleau SUBJECT KIND CARTOLINA:Tramonto-Tour Eifell CARTOLINA:Bellissimo DESCRIPTION sunset on the senna with the Tour Eifell and Les Invalides that stand out in red skies of France. MANUFACTURER Of The CARTOLINA:Editions Chantal. AUTHOR Of The TESTO:Giorgio Gazzolo. In Association of Bologna two spin of spinato iron nearly two binary parallels. On the advanced thread one small piuma?ermata white woman. On the background, sfuocato, a green of plants. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Giorgio Gazzolo MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:stampata in just. AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Classe IV D Comprehensive Institute Manzoni nocturnal marine CARTOLINA:Paesaggio DESCRIPTION with the illuminated country and the sea that reflects the lights AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Stefano Trimboli MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:New Cards 2002 AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Maria Cira Brown KIND SUBJECT CARTOLINA:panorama-hills CARTOLINA:Le DESCRIPTION hills of pianalto of the Murge and characteristic walls to dry MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Torre of fog Editions AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Maria Cira Brown snow Landscape completely covered, in which the roofs of the houses acknowledge scarcely. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Andrea Barghi MANUFACTURER Of The CARTOLINA:Pazzini Publisher. AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Beatrice Sanalitro SUBJECT KIND CARTOLINA:palazzo-rose CARTOLINA:Splendido DESCRIPTION I fresco with the maxim forse that s?forse that not to the edges of a maze and to whose center troneggia one rose d.oro. AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Fanny Sanna Country houses miscellanea CARTOLINA:Delicata DESCRIPTION of colors for the rappresentazione of Monet painter who ritrae the delicate ninfee on waters of the Senna to Paris. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Claude Monet-Foto Strangers MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Linea d.ombra Books AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Fanny Sanna Country houses CARTOLINA:Rappresentazione DESCRIPTION of the picture of Monet Marina, navigation to the moon luminosity. Boats in the sea moved in a dark and cloudy sky, the beacon is caught a glimpse alone on the coast. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Claude Monet-photo Reeve Atony MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Linea d.ombra Books AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Paolo Strict CARTOLINA:Splendido DESCRIPTION I fresco with the maxim forse that s?forse that not to the edges of a maze and to whose center troneggia one rose d.oro. AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Alessandra Rooster CARTOLINA:Piante DESCRIPTION and flowers that scramble up on ancient small ladders rooms. MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Kina Italy AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Anna Verrastro Maria CARTOLINA:Ritratto DESCRIPTION of the Mignattaro.Due old seated manoeuvres with one wine carafe (. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Denci MANUFACTURER Of the graphical CARTOLINA:La Grosseto. AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Annette Saimer-Antonio Ruggeri the open sea that sweeps the scogli with high waves while in the sky threatening clouds stand out. AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Beatrice Sanalitro SUBJECT KIND CARTOLINA:panorama (photo with prismatica disc of a valve) perspective CARTOLINA:Suggestiva DESCRIPTION of the sea and the subjects ritratti through a particular disc of a valve for vedere. as you would see to us un.ape. AUTHOR OF THE SUBJECT IN POSTCARD: Strict photos Paul MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:foto Paul Strict AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Clelia Vaudano CARTOLINA:Il DESCRIPTION lago to bottom go them with the corollario of mounts of the Val Po MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Fotolito Mac-Media AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Clelia Vaudano. Sebastiano to Sovana in the heart of the Tuscany fen. High walls dug in the tufo, mosses and licheni and the sun that leaks creating magical games of light. AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Cristina Codazza Sunset on the sea churned with red and orange light and three persons in distance, two aloft, one pi?ontana in means all.acqua MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Kina Italy Milan AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Marzia Pollens the lago of Garda to the sunset furrowed from a boat remembers, with its long shadows, a field plowed from a tractor. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Dino Guardini MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Stampa Graphical Seven AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Michele Bertolotto CARTOLINA:Tomba DESCRIPTION of the Winged Demon in the Etruscan archaeological zone of the southern Tuscany. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Fotocronache Buds MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:ETP Books AUTHOR Of The TESTO:Nada Zlatic-Kaygic. AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Paolo Luino DESCRIPTION CARTOLINA:Asclepeion di Kos, the dedicated sanctuary to Asclepio (Esculapio), the God of the medicine. The seven doriche columns remained and dedicated to the God Apollo suggest l.imponenza and the great extension of the tempio, from which it notices the sea and the coast dell.Anatolia. The melt? ?l wind that in the Dodecanneso blows incessant. MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Kos Editions Ant. AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Pietro Tartamella AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Denci MANUFACTURER Of the graphical CARTOLINA:La Grosseto AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Ruggeri Antonio-Annette Seimer the open sea and one beach language. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Niklas Bildarkiv AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Beatrice Sanalitro MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:R@bus editions AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Anna Verrastro Maria Landscape mounts in.bianco and black, with a bell tower on the background and some houses with walls in stone on sides. L.ombra of the dark left house of met?ella road. From a wall extinguished spider hangs one amcora. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Marie De Lalley MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:RGCO cr?ion AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Beatrice Sanalitro Model with scene of preparation of the bread and the beer, Egizio Museum. AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Daniela Lampasona Magnificent waters of the sea of Sicily in these former tonnara with the imposing faraglioni. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN Famous CARTOLINA:Antonio MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Campo Salvatore AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Daniela Lampasona Seen of the Cove (port turistico)DESCRITTORE: Alessandra Rooster AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Melo Minnella MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Campo Salvatore AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Fabia Binci Lungomare of the blue coast Cannes with its closing of mimose protese towards the coast. AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Maria Teresa Verdirame Dall.alto of a perron, of which in Association of Bologna the two railings in wrought iron are looked at alone, looks at Ragusa Ibla, defended on one hill. Ragusa Ibla constitutes, with its medioevali memories and the elegant baroque palaces, a quarter of the richest Ragusa of fascination and history. The Ragusa name derives from a term that in Sicily and Magna Greece it indicated the granary, the places of the grain. AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Marzia Pollens On the background, wrapped from the haze dell.alba, Balade. In Association of Bologna, the beach with the sky golden reflected in the low tide. MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Le Goubey Caen AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Marzia Pollens Via Martinengo on the background and in Association of Bologna I fish bloomed AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Giampiero Rodella MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Tipolitografia Fiorucci AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Michele Bertolotto First sun of mattino to the Shelter of the Pian of the King (the 2020 mt. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Bruno Allais. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Natalia L. PROVINCE OF adriatic PROVENIENZA:Rimini-coast CITTA'. OF adriatic PROVENIENZA:Rimini-coast sunny Beach, long rows of blue and yellow beach umbrellas along intense the blue sea, children who play, adults who take the sun, boats in distance AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Edizioni B. MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Grafiche Milan Card-Settimo Mil. AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Beatrice Sanalitro the medieval village with the castle of the illuminated Valentino probably all.alba AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Stefano Flag MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Futura srl AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Simona Piotto the bay of Hush in a sun day the AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Carlo Lovisolo PROVINCE DI PROVENIENZA:OT(provincia di Olbia and Tempio Pausania) CITTA'. OF PROVENIENZA:Cala de Flores.Arzachena AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Alberto Giulini. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Paul Gauguin. AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Amalia De Navy Tower of the spider with in sommit?l beacon that they always give guides the sailors. And allotted on the heights of Genoa Brignole. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Andrea Sampietro ALTISCATTI. AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Anna Verrastro Maria SUBJECT KIND CARTOLINA:paesaggio-trees AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Oliver Anger MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Groupe Editor AUTHOR Of the TESTO:C?le Garnon SUBJECT KIND CARTOLINA:palazzi in the snow. The railings are gi?operte of snow, and cos?ure the turrets, the frontons and the rare balconies. The trees of the way protendono empty coppers towards the houses. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Zimages MANUFACTURER Of The Medium CARTOLINA:Zee AUTHOR Of The TESTO:Christine Math?ESCRIZIONE POSTCARD: Between dunes one small oasis, desert sconfinato mirage or realt?ello of sand. AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Christine Math?ENERE SUBJECT CARTOLINA:Soffioni of the sunflowers Macro Postcard with threads d.erba of a Prato and of the soffioni (of the sunflowers) ready to fly transports to you from the wind. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Cassandra Powers MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:TMS International B. AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Clara Provetto SUBJECT KIND CARTOLINA:Partenza for the school Scene of children who in Alsace go gladly to school with the zaini and the lavagnette accompanies to you from their single mothers or. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Hansi-writer and designer. AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Clelia brief Small Vaudano of the sea through a flanked arc in mattoni from oleandro a white man in flower. Along the small path that pass to you under, red flowers AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Armando Scapin MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Casa of the Postcards Sanremo Sopraelevata regarding the roofs of the houses of the country, on a high hidden stone wall at times from great conifers, chestnut trees and a birch, finds the parochial church of S.Alessandro, constructed in XVII the century. A chiostro to six he arches attacked to the bell tower marks l.ingresso of the church. To the shoulders of the construction l.erta worked?tata hill to bands, on which they grow ordered the lives. AUTHOR Of The TESTO:Fausta Salati. AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Geraldine Green that the lovers fly the birds in their intimate Marc Chagall (1887-1985) with its painting represents an inspired magical world from the Russian popular culture and the Jewish religion. Between the pi?icorrenti subjects they figure the mystery of the birth, the wedding in the village, the life of the peasants, the rabbis and the Jewish festivities. To right of the window, a man as soon as pointed out that woman with the breast embraces one knot. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Marc Chagall-Photo VG Bild-Kunst MANUFACTURER Of The CARTOLINA:Taschen Gmbh AUTHOR Of The TESTO:Giorgio Gazzolo. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Andrea Sampietro/Altiscatti. AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Giuliana Bernasconi Between dunes one small oasis, desert sconfinato mirage or realt?ello of sand. MANUFACTURER Of The CARTOLINA:Editions Colorama. AUTHOR Of The TESTO:classe III D-elem Manzoni-ins. The Umberto bridge stretches its shadow on waters of the Po river. The church of the Great Mother on the background?lluminata from the sun. On the bridge they wave the flags white women and blue of the Winter Olympic Games 2006 AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Stefano Flag. The statue represents one lignea Madonna of 1345, guarded in the Minoritenkirke di Vienna. And in feet, the Child resists with the left arm and in the right hand he holds one scettro. L.abito of the Madonna?ipinto, the tunica?i worked color green-blue and to small circles, the sopratunica, of the same color?n united ink and has a red edge and gold. To the center of the chest one large fibula to flower shape. The veil, on the left, passes in part behind the Child, in order then to come down along the body, giving cos?ll.insieme un.impressione of movement. AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Janick Belleau SUBJECT KIND CARTOLINA:fotomontaggio animals zoo. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Barbara Koch. TESTO:Senryu KIND free backs AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Janick Belleau (Montr, Canada). It promotes the Hausdermusik, the Museo of the Sound. and its attivit?AUTORE Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Szechenyi & Partner MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Freecard Medienservice TESTO:Senryu KIND free backs AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Janick Belleau(Montr, Canada). AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Archiv Horowitz & Weege TESTO:Haiku KIND free backs AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Janick Belleau(Montr, Canada) the postcard reproduces one taken photography dall.alto musical dell.Auditirium of Vienna. And one knows it modern, with panels color brass and gold to the walls, the chairs of the platea is disposed around a pianoforte to tail, opened. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Studio Anzb? TESTO:Senryu KIND free backs AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Janick Belleau(Montr, Canada). In front of the facade they look at one greatest bloomed bathtub d.acqua and the garden. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Archiv Horowitz & Weege AUTHOR Of The TESTO:Janick Belleau(Montr, Canada) the Musikverein, the palace in rinascimentale style of the Societ?egli friends of music of Vienna, constructed in 1863, contains two large ones knows them from concert, arches to you, conservatory. The postcard ritrae the facade of the palace illuminated from the lights of the lampposts. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Stephan Trierenberg AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Janick Belleau Ritratto of the Kaiser Franz Joseph di George Raab MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Galleria Austrian of Vienna AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Liette Janelle Forest on the lago, with the trees that explode in thousand colors, in the sky the clouds MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Dean Color AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Lucia Berruti. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:foto David Camisasca. CARTOLINA:Un DESCRIPTION airone cinerino and two Mandarin ducks. They are some of the birds that live in the Bay of Chesapeake, near Baltimora (Maryland) AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Middleton Evans MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Traub Company PROVINCE DI PROVENIENZA:Tongass National Forest CITTA'. OF PROVENIENZA:Tongass National Forest AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Mankh (Walter And SUBJECT KIND CARTOLINA:orso and lagoon the Tongass National Forest?na lussureggiante bear and, pluviale forest habitat salmoni grizzly, threatened from the deforestation and the construction of houses and roads. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:foto Lior Rubin AUTHOR Of The TESTO:Michele Bertolotto DESCRIPTION POSTCARD: A sunset mozzafiato on the sea and dall.altura an old pine that, like careful lookout, seems to observe, silent, that magical moment. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Fabio Chironi-House of the Postcards AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Michele Vaccaro the Vesuvio on the background, in Association of Bologna a end of the diggings with the Great Arena and l.Anfiteatro. MANUFACTURER OF THE POSTCARD: Carcavallo Naples AUTHOR Of The TESTO:Norma Bombelli. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Giovanni Segantini AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Pietro Tartamella Beaver that sbuca from one window, in the square low of one rail-guard to cross. Wall in stone around and beams of wood. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:foto Jacques Alain Collomb MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Edy chamb? France AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Pietro Tartamella To the twilight, the Joubert public square with to the center the monument illuminated, on the background, bar and storees AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:foto Oliver Anger MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Editions Combier Macon AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Pietro Tartamella a long gallery of a wine cellar of the Borgogna, in which they are run after botti of rovere illuminated from one light warm and golden AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN POSTCARD: S. photo MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Groupe Editor TESTO:Haiku KIND free backs AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Roberto Di Egidio SUBJECT KIND CARTOLINA:cartina with ends DESCRIPTION POSTCARD: Cartina dell.Abruzzo and some ends of mountains and the sea, monuments and the nature. MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Publicolor Pescara TESTO:Haiku KIND free backs AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Roberto Di Egidio In Association of Bologna notices itself, in the buio of the photo, the citt?lluminata. on the background, black mountains with behind the sunset MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Publicolor Pescara AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Sergio Zuccaro SUBJECT KIND CARTOLINA:Panorama + woman Two sunsets on the sea and one sensuale woman sdraiata on the beach with a custom white man MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Paesaggi snc AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Anna Maria Verrastro Porticciolo in the park with in Association of Bologna one wood footbridge and on the background one shed and a balcony. Many rectangular tables separated from one small empty space form the footbridge. AUTHOR OF THE SUBJECT IN POSTCARD: photo Guglielmo Zagato. Seen Splendita of small marine cove in whose inside the beams of the sun create charming psichedelici effects. MANUFACTURER Of the saint CARTOLINA:Tipografia Michele AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Fabia Binci aerial Panorama of Arenzano, small placing village of the from Liguria coast of. The coast to semicircle on which?tato constructed it has un.ampia beach, on which tidy rows of beach umbrellas are caught a glimpse, uniform from the country from the litoranea road broadside of palms. The country extends in light climb towards l.entroterra. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:foto House of the postcards-Sanremo MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Casa of the postcards-Sanremo AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Fabia Typical Binci carrugio., cio?na tightened via of citt?i the sea from Liguria. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:Casa of the postcards-Sanremo MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Kina Italy-Milan AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Fabia Binci In the light fioca dell.alba, a fisherman in Association of Bologna prepares the nets MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Garami Milan AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Michele Ancient Bertolotto Convent of the Franciscan Fathers dipped in Hush with its imponenente perron seems to recall to the meditation. AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Michele Bertolotto KIND SUBJECT commemorative CARTOLINA:Cartolina 20, anniversary of the gemellaggio representing CHANNEL/SERSHEIM the Two riquadri main churches of citt?i the Channel d.Alba and Sersheim from two paintings to all feature of two famous ritrattisti. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:pittore Hound (Pine of Beautiful) the MALER: Gustav Shonleber AUTHOR Of The TESTO:Michele Bertolotto DESCRIPTION POSTCARD: Tower of the Palace Crosspiece with the characteristic bell a earth on the loggione. MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Studio Le March photo. AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Migi Tixe. of the Visitazione in a pale blue light MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Bnm Genoa AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Pietro Tartamella a bell tower and a point of view that allow to cancel l.evidente difference of height with the surrounding roofs creates a game of perspectives in a position to stopping to us to watch. AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Pietro Tartamella Forest and garden photographed from a point in shadow, but on the background the Prato?lluminato from the sun. They are not looked at, and they are not felt, but the birds sing. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:foto Guglielmo Zagato. AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Pietro Tartamella CARTOLINA:la DESCRIPTION church of Saint Maria of the Angels under one large snowed. In the center of the road tracks in the snow. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:foto Gerbaldo Vat MANUFACTURER Of The CARTOLINA:Stampa Comunecazione AUTHOR Of The TESTO:Pietro Tartamella. AUTHOR Of The TESTO:Adriana Ferrari. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:foto Roberto Mario. AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Angelo Guarnieri Seen panoramic of Arenzano of day and dall.alto of one hill. Oleandri and shrubs in Association of Bologna, the sea and the coast on the background MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Edizione house of the Sanremo postcards AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Giorgio Gazzolo a geco in Association of Bologna are firm on a wall (or the corteccia of a tree. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN CARTOLINA:probabilmente dell.autore photo MANUFACTURER Of the CARTOLINA:Giorgio Gazzolo CITTA'. OF PROVENIENZA:Riva near Chieri AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Pietro Tartamella SUBJECT KIND CARTOLINA:Ritratto of persons, wagon, pylon of Sant.Albano patronale festivity of River Five children in traditional dresses in front of the pylon of Sant.Albano. Two dogs (German shepherds) legacies to a carretto. CITTA'. OF PROVENIENZA:San Giacomo di Roburent AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Fabia Binci, Filippo, Ettore. AUTHOR Of the SUBJECT IN Marine CARTOLINA:Fotocolor MANUFACTURER Of the Marine CARTOLINA:Fotocolor AUTHOR Of the TESTO:Giorgio Gazzolo Against the sky gray, furrowed low clouds to foriere of a summery thunderstorm, stands out l.infiorescenza of un.agave, than to pu?aggiungere also ten meters of height. From the stelo he centers them dipartono numerous elastic coppers, than support the tubular flowers of yellow color clearly. On the background the mount of Portofino is looked at. The sea, on which luccica the dazzle of a sun beam, lambisce the scogli on which some constructions are found. And probable that they are along the walk from Nerves to Capoluogo, one of the pi?uggestive in the vicinities of Genoa. High Creative reading to V? and Poetica Haiku. National C?ro p?la Promozi? d?a High Creative Reading to V? Borgata Madonna of the Rovere, 4 - 10020 River Near Chieri (TO) - pedagogical Italy of the didactic distances us: Anna Verrastro Maria the situated one of Macondo Shack like initial page.

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13 March, 2008

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12 March, 2008

Pipe welder jobs

Equipments for Sand-blasting, Picklings - all the Manufacturers | Industrial Industry | | - DirectIndustry. Equipments, Weldings, superficial Treatments of the manual Tool to water jet to most high pressure for the preparation of superficial extensible, the loading with the crane. The?otata Sabbiatrice of a movement of the Guns and motorization of the automatic and aimed table of pieces with 250 diameter until milimeter in large quantitati to you come employ systems to you to giostra NICOLIS. Quest%u2019automazione guarantees one homogenous sand-blasting on pieces of delicate series. For sand-blasting of the great pieces like Trains. Models standard with many accessories special Equipments which groups rotary. and every basket other accessory, in European normative answer to every requirement and conformit?lle of reference in matter of emergency and respect acclimatize them. DISA?no of the supplying leaders to world-wide level of solutions for the finish of the surface. Finally, the shot blasting?n efficient and reliable method, in a position to increasing the resistance to hard work of the members subject to sollicitations high or alternated. The R?er name is for technological leadership in the field of the mechanical treatment of the superficial ones. We offer to our produced customers and services innovated to you, a wide one know-how of process engineering, and l"abilit?i to arrange technologies between various they perfectly. The grit-blasting material comes launch from a turbine that high wheel to velocit?le forces transmitted to the material imprimono a velocit?he catches up the 100 meters to the second, in the direction of job pieces to deal. to monorail to pu?vere various shapes (straight, to "Y" or ring), with feeding of pieces in manual or automatic cabin. Particularly adapted for the medium pieces treatment - large also of complex shape, hung singularly or in clusters on I affixed hooks to you. to monorail to pu?vere various shapes (straight, to "Y" or ring), with feeding of pieces in manual or automatic cabin. Particularly adapted for the medium pieces treatment - large also of complex shape, hung singularly or in clusters on I affixed hooks to you. and sverniciatura of parts and structures of varied type rotary Cluster with trasposrtatore step step to monorail to pu?vere various shapes (straight, to "Y" or ring), with feeding of pieces in manual or automatic cabin. Particularly adapted for the medium pieces treatment - large also of complex shape, hung singularly or in clusters on I affixed hooks to you. Indicated for the grit-blasting to passage of pieces plans or simple section without length limits. Pieces come deal to you in the advanced part on 180.. in new fields of continuous application without pause. The Roboblaster R?er highly takes advantage of a robot for the execution of grit-blasting operations efficient?deale in complex productive systems. The main fields of application of the powerful granigliatrice to upset some are foundries of cast iron and the forging to the superficial finish, delicate the small pieces shot blasting and. The Roboblaster to pu?ssere perfectly integrated in one completely automated production line. In this case, the robot acts in qualit?i production assistant. It seizes pieces in sure and absolutely precise way and enters to the inside of the granigliatrice for the working. To the completion of the treatment of grit-blasting, posiziona pieces correctly. A special held system of of steel to resistant manganese to the usury, (for which?tata forwarded licence question), guarantees. Granigliatrice to seam for sheet, outlined and structure Indicated for the grit-blasting to passage of outlines and sheets to you without length limits. Pieces come deal to you on 360. in a single passage. Granigliatrice to seam for sheet, outlined and structure for rolled steels, outlines and composed structures to you Tunnel and with Granigliatrice to seam for sheet, outlined and structure For pre assembly grit-blasting we offer to our Sprint series and the maratona, for assembly of the starter shaft the?datto Triathlon optimally. In every?ossibile suitcase to extend the machine fine one complete line of treatment of surface. The Sprint?l our model of the reference and ideally?datto for the steel plating, outlines and the grit-blasting tubes to you. It upsets some to?erpendicolare disposed to the sense of in order realizing the pi?i high qualit?i pulizia. The range of?sata Sprint often from societ?i the constructions of commerce and the steel. Planned for pi?avoro demanding, the?deale onerous burden and range maratona for pi?lte velocit?el the conveyor. ?usata typically from pi?randi the steel traders or the steel constructors who work the movements of multiple and from the rollings-mill. The?rogettato Triathlon for the grit-blasting steel constructions. The relative one upsets some?iagonale disposed to the directive of the conveyor to assess that it catches up all the angles and fissures of the construction. These blot some are used in many societ?i steel constructions. The?niversalmente applicable Triathlon and pu?nche to apply itself easy to the plating, to outlines to you and to the tubes. Granigliatrice to seam for sheet, outlined and structure This type of machine?articolarmente indicated for the particular small grit-blasting loads to you R-alla.rinfusa. A particular carpet in antiabrasive rubber disposed to crib, receives pieces to deal and with its movement it maintains them in constant tumbling. Pieces come hit from the abrasive jet generated from the turbine and changing position continuously the superficial ones receive the treatment of grit-blasting in extremely uniform way on all. One advises to the carpet in steel for all the materials of fusions in earth and for all the particular of advanced dimensions and 15 weight to Kg each | All the industrial Manufacturers | list of the retailers, constructors and distributors | Estimate, price list Characteristic rates | comparative Test | | and specific techniques | Documentation and catologo pdf | Catalogue of new and used purchase |

Emo hair styles

. YOUNG PLATEAU - Teen Blog 4 Teen People.chi has said it that to be young he is simple altopianoyoung, in the real world She Loves Her Own Stars.. "The Take Over, The Breaks Over", Fall Out Boy To be alternated, is known to you, by now?iventata one fashion. Between all the mode imported from the foreign country of it I have selected some between that we see around to noi.date a glance mainly in order to see if there?nche the vostra.Ecco, they are emo boys. (and therefore the Greek term that she means. Between the groups emo mainly quoted at the moment we find the My Chemical Romance, the Bullet For My Being worth some, Fall Out Boy, 30 Seconds To Mars and Panic.qualche tredicenne is still obstinate to put within also the Tokio Hotel to us or Avril Lavigne for their apparel total black.io I abstain myself from the judgment in order not to offend nessuno.eh, the style emo to pu?vere effects collaterals. In how much chronically aspirants depressed and kill, the emo-kids they are pursued to you from all, in particular from the METALLARI: our of?ieno full territory. Some between the groups of reference pi?oti are the intramontabili Iron Maiden, are followed from Black Sabbath, Nightwish, Metallic, Korn, Megadeth. ?isogno to describe in the particular a metallaro not there: one acknowledges endured. Metallare they add to this look. the black trick and the accessories in ink. The metallari are catti to you, indeed, bad: at least?uello that to traspare from their aspect and the look &ldquo.lasciatemi-be-that-today-have-the-boxes-girate&rdquo. A lot often makes part of band (than, naturally, they play metal) and they are greeted between they with the solemn one. The insult pi?rande for one of they?uello of being called with the name of the enemy other acerrimo of style: TRUZZO. In practical, when the time varies, the truzzo varies also. ALWAYS dressed ultrasigned from head on foot (those that Helium and the Stiff History would call, &ldquo.i dressed trendy. sure times son of the heads orrendi, than to nobody rivendi them &rdquo.). you will be able to recognize one of they for road easy a lot, perch?etter?empre in beautiful sight the moneies that it spends for the apparel. An example of truzzo male type avr?Dimenticavo, alone glances at it them Prada also in winter and of night. Truzzi and the truzze they are greeted in all Italy with a &ldquo.ciao bello/a zio/a&rdquo., replaced here in Veneto from a pi?onfidenziale &ldquo.ciao Vez&rdquo. (abbreviation that is for &ldquo.vecchio&rdquo.). Also their style is divided in several sottoculture, but of sure that one that it depopulates in our countries?uella of the skater: dressed with (with Marches alternatives that calmly catch up the prices of those worn from i truzzi, c me Etnies, Vans, Billabong, and cos?ia), we will always see them accompanies their faithful to you skate, on which acrobati are exhibited in numbers from. In kind, the punk they are famous for theirs, held on from mix of extrafixing gel and a some refined tar layer. Totally discostati from the cited kinds over they are the B-BOYS, also they in via of prolificazione here on the Plateau. Draft of those who is listened to rap and hip-hop, they love Eminem, Fabri Fiber, World I march, Snoop Dogg, 50 Cent and who pi?e has, pi?e puts. Usually, everyone of they?onvinto of being been born to Detroit. Also they have a personalized salute, the classic, continuation from &ldquo.fratello&rdquo. or &ldquo.sorella&rdquo. to second of those people to which they address. The art of the b-boys, beyond to the rhymes on a predefined base?icuramente in some zone you can find them, the saturday evening, to give themselves sfida.credetemi, of it is worth the pain to stop itself to watch. The &ldquo.colleghe&rdquo. of b-boys the males they are the fly-girls: if you have seen with Jessica Dawn, you can have an idea of their aspect. Of sure to these challenges they will not never assist the GEEK, known also like &ldquo.nerd&rdquo. or, pi?omunemente, &ldquo.secchioni&rdquo. According to they, the discotheque?n place insane not to attend never and then never, poich?ischierebbe to damage their immense mind seriously. The aspect for they does not have importance, in how much ci?he incredibly counts?l they to be intelligent. In fact, the gratefulness of those who will come saves from the imminent extraland apocalypse innalzer?er always the name to you of, facendogli to conquer eternal Gloria and, consequently. the world. But there?na what that joins them all:. In practical poser?l the common parasite of every style, the pretended one emo, the pretended one metallaro, the pretended one punk. As an example, if listened from morning to Gigi evening D' Augustin and defined emo, then you are irrimediabilmente a poser. If then dressed from goth and in your The-pod are only songs of Avril Lavigne, you are still pi?oser. And there are only two ways in order to purify itself from this evil: to withdraw itself to life from esule or implorare the forgiveness of the true stilosi. If refused this way, your destiny straight you porter?ritti to hell (we remember that to be poser?' eighth sin understood them). Insomma, the young people love to acknowledge just in a style that it distinguishes them based on ci?he listen, to those that think and to as vivono.e troubles to who it wants to pretend of being someone that not?Non?' style absence that one that in kind provokes the diverbi between the teenagers, bens?a, typical note of the poser that they stretch to attack itself to the wagon, for cos?ire.lo found here over, where I I always waited for you for having your comments (with the clause of the clemenza, I recommend myself). It compliments Julia, I read on the l'.Altopiano newspaper your rubrica. Signed: A curious mother of knowing as the young people think to it and to know their world bah, second me ste things are baggianate.uno garment like want, enough that it is covered in order not to die of freddo.ecco what of task I of the styles never felt many cagate on the punk. You go to the home of this BLOG. My company of the Saturday Night. Falsit?otto all the aspects. Not to be to the center of the attention. Persons who pretend of being who are not truly. For whichever thing, you can write to the address. I do not have msn messenger, therefore you do not add to me if you want only new contacts.

11 March, 2008


The following is to list of NF2 and AN doctors. Please notes, though, being listed to here is an. neuroma doctor/clinic in the world:. MD, University of Coast Rica School of Medicines. Member of the EMN Advisory Board President of the German Society of Neurosurgery. Ralph Nelson of the House Ear Clinic. of Neurological Surgery University of California, Saint Francisco. SHARP REES-STEALY MEDICAL GROUP. Neurotology, skull-base surgery, facial nerve. Institute Of Neurosurgery and Neuro-Research Priscilla Short: University of Chicago is to highly regarded research geneticist. She is particularly interesting because she seems to be the only physician. Surgery (brain, spinal and orthopedic). Adult and Pediatric Otology (ENT). Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore Neurosurgery dept. Eldridge, James Gusella, Vincent Riccardi, Dylas Pary, James Tungsgard, Prescilla Short, Robert Martuza, and Martha Denkla. My MaCollin Harvard/Massachusetts General. Otology/Ear Nose and Throat. Michigan Institute For Neurological Disorders. Gastrointestinal Disorders/Botulism Treatment of Dysphagia. Post is Chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery. includes Pituitary Tumors and Acoustic Neuromas. Choudrhri is the Director of the Neurosurgery Program Thorns. Germano is Director of the Mount Sinai Medical Center Stereotactic &. Division of Skull Base Surgery and Neuroncology. /worked with John Mulvihill at NIH -- very familiar with NF2. limited to the Ear, facial nerve and related structures ". College of Medicine/Methodist Hospital in the Texas Medical Center, Houston. Residency Program Director - Section of Radiation Oncology. Ear, Hearing, Balance, Facial Nerve Disorders. from Escola Paulista de Medicine. Universidade Federal de S?Paulo Av. Rua Gon?ves Dias, 713. Batel. Cheated Rua Ribeiro 237, Cj 103 - It bleats Seen. CEPID - Center de Estudos I give Humano Genome. Department of Neurogenetics and Molecular Biology. NF Clinic at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Baylor College of Medicine/Texas Children' s Hospital in the Texas Medical NF2 CLINIC (held one Friday each month). Departments of Pediatrics and of Molecular and Human Genetics. CLINIC at the Cleveland Clinic FDN. following is to list of radiosurgery NF2 and AN doctors. being listed to here is an acknowledgement, not necessarily to recommendation. manufacturer Elekta maintains lists of all the GK sites world-wide, with.. From their homepage (. please select Patient Info, then Treatment Centers. has to directory of many GK sites world-wide, with addresses.html (click on the left to choose to is available in USA as well as in Europe (there is one in Italy).com. for the list of situated locations world-wide. Smee - Prince of Wales Hospital in Sydney. Chris Harper - Hospital in Australia Western. Michael Dally - The Alfred Hospital, Commercial Road, Melbourne. Gail Ryan at the Peter Macallum Cancer Institute in Melbourn. Hospital Alem?Oswaldo Cruz (FSR). Rua Capit?Jos?erdi, 1414 Seen Buoy. BLS Cancer Information Centre Leader. Spiegelmann, Director, Stereotactic Neurosurgery and Radiosurgery. Meijer - Vrije Universiteit Hospital in Amsterdam. Elizabeth and Gleneagles Hospitals and the. - NAC = National Acceleration Center in Faure near Stellenbosch. Peter Black, head of Neuorsurgery at Brigham & Women' s. Fenstermaker, Co-Director, Range Knife Center at Roswell Park. Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Elm and Carlton, Buffalo, NY 14263. Radiation Oncologists at Queen' s Medical Center. Behar, Medical Director of the Radiation Oncology Unit. of Texas Health Science, Saint Antonio, TX. Floyd Curl Drive, Saint Antonio, TX 78229. Cho (radiation oncology) at University Hospital. Dade Lunsford, Dept of Neurological Surgery, University of Pittsburgh. Professor of Neurosurgery at Thomas Jefferson University, and Director of Stereotactic Radiosurgery at Jefferson Hospital for the. Noren, Director of the New England GK Center, Rhode Island Hospital, Providence. Cheng. Robert Packer Hospital, Guthrie Clinic, in Sayre PA. 475 Seaview Hail, Staten Island, New York10305. of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Steiner, Dept of Neurological Surgery, Health Sciences Center, Box 212.

Im looking at you through the glass lyrics

. in a room when the sun lacks. you my moon you six here with me, my sun you six here with me. in to room where the sun is absent, if you to are not with me, with me saw and shared with you, now, yes, shall experience them. wjth you the shall experience them. When you to are to make away you, my moon, to are to here with me, my sun, you to are to here with me. Saw and shared with you, now, yes, shall experience them. with you shall experience them again. with you the shall experience them again. Spanish lyrics: Luis Gomez-Escolar. Separado of mine por a abismo. Abriendo los ojos por end. Abriendo los ojos por end. Abriendo los ojos por end. I that potr?ai not to create I that not sar?ai a God you that you can create with your voice. Living like if never we had to motire. Living in order then to understand all’.improvviso…. ….che in bottom this life you not. Living like if never we had to die. Living in order then to understand all’.improvviso. ….che in bottom this life to ….perch?on l’.hai never not lived. The live and ask you what you to are But, mirror, you never speak. The who shall never be able to created love love but not people. to live even though the did not like to song not one will sing. if you to were to listen to the world one morning without the noise you, who can created with your voice, you think the thoughts of the.. to live is beautiful even though you. To live still searching for the. To live and then suddenly understand. that after all you did not live. because you did not live it. To live still searching for the. To live and then suddenly understand. that after all you did not live. Spanish lyrics: Luis Gomez-Escolar. Yo que sigo el rumbo Como kills. Vivir?aunque yo not ped?ivir yo vivir?omo one canci?de amor que nadie. T?ue with you voz puedes to give the vida. Igual que one canc? de amor Que hail suena siempre cuando.. Vivir?Por qu?por qu?por qu?por qu?tutto what you do not want. You know well that you do not live. you have never run without breath you have never spold all how much. how much costs not to know to you mine to me. Zucchero & Fornaciari Music Srl/Calycanthus And every step you will make, your closed anxieties and emptiness. You know well you I give not live, have you ever done anything. Have you ever defied the wind and. have you ever run breathless. And you have to say now how much of yourself you have how much you have believed like Indian ink to the artist. have you ever spent everything. that is still strong and mines inside the soul you tear away. cos?ersa in my eyes. 1994 Entirety Srl/Zucchero & Fornaciari Music Srl. also the rising of the sun it also makes fools of the wise. if the sun to were within you. it loves what it does not have. if the sun to were within you. Spanish lyrics: Luis Gomez-Escolar. Este silencio entre las olas.. 1994 Entirety Srl/Zucchero & Fornaciari Music Srl. that melts the blood then dint’.e veins sai…. sembr?i?olce also the dead women those eyes greens like the sea all’.improvviso usci a tear that melts the blood dint’.e veins knows but he us task then a lot that melts the blood dint’.e veins you do not know that it melts the blood dint’.e veins you know. BMG Ariola Spa/Assist Srl Here, to where the sea shines very, very much, you know. that heats the blood inside the veins, you know…. Sea He saw the lights out on the, thought of the nights to there in America, but they to were only the fishermen’.s lamps and the white wash astern. He felt the pain in the music and stood up from the slowly, but when he saw the moon death also seemed sweeter to him. He looked the girl in the eyes, those eyes as green as the sea. very, very much, you know, that heats the blood inside the vein you know…. with to little make-up and with you can become someone else. But two eyes that look at you, make you forget the words, also the nights to there in America. White You turn and see your life through the wash astern. But, yes, it is life that ends and he did not think much about it on the contrary, he already felt happy very, very much, you know, that heats the blood inside the veins, you know…. very, very much, you know, that heats the blood inside the veins, you know…. but they are not I that you must feel. but they are not I that you must feel and perhaps it is not your fault. Could try the loads other Time but it is not me you have to heed. on the broken glass and then all the signals have broken down, shovels and spent in the dark. Could try the loads other Time but it is not me you have to heed. Listen to your heart and see if it is beating, look to where you to are running to and stop, listen to the pain of the world. we to are lost along the way. but how can you not realize, not give to damn and go away. But the blood is also yours. Listen to your heart and see if it is beating, look to where you to are running to and stop, listen to the pain of the world. we to are lost along the way. We to are lost along the way. Not?iusto that one woman. Not?iusto that one woman. Where the sun goes to die, to there to are all the words of those who have been in love all that there has been. And the shall wait for the sunset, Time loads the wind must pass. to where the words to are born. The shall look for your words, the want to bring them back to you. with to story which is always the same. Where the sun goes to die. with to story which is always the same with to story which is always the same. Alive for she from when you know alive for she and not?n weight. Alive for she anch’.io you know it that?nche for he, for this. Alive for she that often it knows?n puguo that not ago never badly. Alive for she within the hotels. Alive for she in the vortex. Alive for she nient’.altro I have that as me they have written in ace:. Alive for she perch?ramai. The live for her, you know, since the first Time met her. she entered within me and stayed to there. The live for her because she makes. The live for her and it is not to burden. The live for her too, you know, she belongs to all those who have to need that is always switched on to someone who is halo and now knows that she is also for him. for this reason. to brush her with the fingers. The live for her who often knows sometimes she stuns you but. and suffer to little, but at least the live. The live for her in the vortex. The live for her, the have nothing else, and how many others the shall meet who, like me, have written on their faces. The live for her to the limit. The live for her to the very edge. The live for her because now is something the have truly never betrayed. The live for her because she gives me rests and notes with freedom. If to there to were another life I’.d live it. the live for her, she is unique. but she is calm, as if she wants. and the strength to tell you. that she can hear not longer. she has already gone to sleep. THE MOON THAT IS NOT THERE that comes upon you suddenly, slightly slows the run that has left you breathless and. The shall take it and cast it to make away. you will be the moon that is not to there. And perhaps you I give not even imagine how much space to there is to here within me you too want me like this. You will find your magic again, for how much night to there is still in this night that has just been born. and if you are not sleeping the shall listen to you and hold you tighter. you will be the moon that is not there. you like closer and mingle with me. And perhaps you I give not even imagine how much space to there is to here within me you too want me like this. you as closer and mingle with me And perhaps you I give not even imagine how much space to there is to here within me you too want me like this, now that you want me like this. over the snow-fields, like before. Because like this you to are closer. Because like this you to are closer. It is enough that you to are to here and the hold you like this. It is enough that you to are to here and the hold you like this. It is enough that you to are to here and hold you like this. add?o the sky that?ielo nun. addi?o sky that?ielo nun. And it rains on the heads of creatures. Would like to the capture this moon to where the sky is sky and never darkens. that has never met the sea because the sea is to make away. it loses itself among the stones, under the grass of the wall and curses during the day and in the evening without sustenance. And it rains on the heads of creatures. Would like to the capture this moon. Sea sea And it rains in the land of nobody. that has never met the because the is making away. that has never met the sea because the sea is to make away. Alive in the spirit of the world. Alive in the spirit of the world magnificent sun that you shine within me. But to where am and what am the doing. the live in the soul of the world. The am the saint who betrayed you. The live to elsewhere and observe the world and the see the sea and the forests, the live in the soul of the world. magnificent sun that shines inside me. in a room when the sun lacks. you my moon you six here with me, my sun you six here with me. in to room where the sun is absent, if you to are not with me, with me saw and shared with you, now, yes, the shall experience them. When you to are to make away you, my moon, to are to here with me, my sun, you to are to here with me. Saw and shared with you, now, yes, shall experience them. with you shall experience them again. with you the shall experience them again. is intended for the nonprofit educational use of Bocelli fans to enhance their enjoyment and appreciation of his.. Access to this music collection does not Grant you the right to copy or distribute the lyrics and information that appears on.. You may not use this archive to construct any kind of. copyrighted to their respective owners whose rights to are expressly... If any copyright owner objects to their lyrics appearing in this archive for the private enjoyment and education of to send to message, and they will be removed immediately. questions or comments about this situated.

Growing zucchini

REINHARDS TOMATOES: Atlantic Giant Riesenk?is & other K?is -, Zucchini and Kalebassensorten. Ausf?liche information to the Riesenk?isanbau and 1999 I participated in two local K?iswettbewerben and with 80 kg and 100 kg the first place occupied in each case. Coincidence and required at least with the K?isanbau of no gr?ren. Decisive was alone the selection of the correct sort. ATLANTIC GIANT hei? the "miracle weapon" and stands with a world record of American K?isz?ter has this record in 2003 with?rtroffen again far (the unofficial record was about 661,3 kg). There one asks oneself nat?ich whether there is perhaps nevertheless such a thing like a secret prescription, in order to obtain such giant copies. ATLANTIC GIANT gives it several kinds to different origin best comes from the Canadian Z?ter Howard Dill and is under DILL'S. Besides there are still many Hobbyz?ter, which offer occasionally cores from their Riesenk?issen in auctions or?r to Samenh?ler. The price becomes thereby by the Gr? the K?isses already once $ 10 or also more are certain and like that f?einen core to pay deter however a K?isanbauer hardly, because it seems to be really like that that straight cores from particularly gro?n copies possess also the Potenzial, to bring again genuine giants out. Seeds f?2001 originated from a 375 kg of Dill's AG and produced. April to in the middle of May the cores are put individually for 1 - 2 cm deeply in 12 - 14 cm T?e with good planting earth and the T?e is covered with foil or a windowpane. 24. C set up, appear after 1 - 2 weeks the Keimbl?er. Germinating l?t oneself accelerates, by the cores a little with emery paper aufgeraut and some hours into lukewarm water put the Riesenk?ispflanze ungest? to grow, is a Anbaufl?e can. On the entire Fl?e some barrows compost are yielded and trained. Planting place should be particularly well supplied and f?eine gleichm?ge bodenfeuchtigkeit can also somewhat geh?seltes straw beigef?. further 2 weeks (beginning to in the middle of June) is it so far have now already gro? kr?ige Laubbl?er and roots. Planting absolutely on zero winds a day make, because the recent impulse is still very sensitive and k?te easily bends. If several K?ispflanzen stand to the Verf?ng, only the kr?igste becomes. To the protection from wind and k?er weather it is important, the plant with a Fr?eet or a folientunnel too to at the end of of July - the safety divice must be removed now - to appear zun?st. Now hei? watch out, because the Best?ung is m?ichst not via insects to take place, thus no different. The plant has m?liche and female. The female Bl?n is easily at the tiny young fruit of one week (t?ich control) the Bl?nknospen?nen, manually best?t. at least 2 m from the planting place distant will be. Best?ung effected best in fr?n. one pfl?t a m?liche Bl? with handle off and removes. The lying exposed stamp becomes now careful into the ge?nete female Bl? eingef?t and the pollen. Anschlie?nd the Bl? with everything well folded, begins to grow the small K?is kr?ig and reaches within 2 weeks the Gr? a medicine ball in dry weather the whole Anbaufl?e is gew?ert now t?ich and every 3 days Fl?igd?er beigef?. 3 K?isse set, is removed all further Bl?n (also the m?lichen), so that no energy wastes f?die Bl?nbildung. Starting from this time the extent of the K?isse is measured and. Only the K?is with the fastest stature is umgebettet the K?is sp?r not its climbs abdr?t and the N?stoffzufuhr interrupted, must it into a position perpendicularly to the impulse. This should take place only in tiny steps and?r several days, since the handle can very easily break off also equal a polystyrene plate under the K?is is pushed, over it before contamination and F?nis too sch?en. to at the end of of August the K?ispflanze far spread and it can necessarily be, side impulses einzuk?en. the sprout broke themselves off and into the earth entrenched. The K?ispflanze embodies its impulses by adventitious roots in the soil. If one wants to shift impulses, that must happen in time, because the zus?lichen roots carry with compost earth to be angeh?elt, in order to energize root growth. At the end of September adjusts the plant its growth and the orange Riesenk?is. Watch out that the crust is not hurt however frost-protected, stored h? it itself until Decembers. Giant has a very tender and aromatic fruchtfleisch. Which is used not immediately, one can freeze.) there are still many further Tipps to the cultivation of Riesenk?issen, but finally verr?wohl no K?isz?ter s?liche secrets at its "competitors". Further K?is -, Zucchini and Kalebassensorten. also touched, to 60 cm long, 5 kg with difficulty, inside orange-yellow, from Guatemala. Orange-yellow, firm, very good-tasting fruchtfleisch. Dunkelgr?violetter, round, serrated Lagerk?is, inside dark-yellow, firm, aromatic fruchtfleisch. Blue, more ufof?iger 5 - 10 kg K?is from Australia, orange fruchtfleisch with high carotin content, Rarit? Wundersch?r, birnenf?iger K?is, which still hardly admits even with K?isliebhabern is. Tr? plentifully up to 10 kg heavy Fr?te, Rarit? Gr?r, touched Lagerk?is, inside yellow-orange, good-tasting, 10 - 20 kg with difficulty, 6 months durable. Multi color Zierk?is, which one can eat in addition, h? itself as Schmuckst? ?r one year. Wundersch?r, dunkelgr?r Lagerk?is, 10 - 20 kg heavily. Zucchini are a popular easy summer in accordance with?. Admits are gr?, cremewei? and also yellow Fr?te. Particularly this very productive yellow sort with gr?r point sch?ist. Gelbgr?, round Zucchini, young harvest. Untertassenf?ige yellow, flatround Zucchini, young harvest. Developed a long durable Zierk?is. Untertassenf?ige wei?, flatround Zucchini, young harvest. Developed a long durable Zierk?is. Century well-known, wei?gr?panaschierte, franz?sche sort. The decorative strips show up only with matured Fr?ten. Century well-known, yellow gr?panaschierte, franz?sche sort. The decorative strips show up only with matured Fr?ten. Dunkelgr?, oval-round Fr?te, young harvest. Keulenf?ige, yellow, warzige Zucchini, matured durable as Zierk?is. Creme Zucchini, one fr? Gourmetsorte of exzellenter Fruchtqualit? buschige, kurztriebige plants. Touched one, climbing Zucchini, young Fr?te are roasted or grilled, develop a multicolored durable Zierk?is. Buschf?ig increasing Zucchini, young Fr?te are roasted or grilled, develop a multicolored durable Zierk?is. Gr? wei?gefleckt, kugelf?iger korpus with 30 cm long neck. Hellgr?wei?gefleckte, hand-rising up, gro? Kalebassensorte. After drying leave themselves easily and way wundersch? Vogelh?chen of it make. Also to painting as article for interior decoration. Gr?wei?gestreifte and gefleckte, hundreds of small Kalebassen (5 cm long). Dried and painted versatile usable, z. Fr?r as kinderspielzeug (gyroscope) likes.

10 March, 2008

The white stripes

Leafy Cooking: Skate in white wine sauce - Wing of line to the white wine Skate in white wine sauce - Wing of line to the white wine Signal cardiologist Pedro Brugada was interviewed today in the Belgian daily. Catalán by birth, Brugada swapped Spain for Belgium to follow coils, and established the "F Our King was in his hands has few years back, and Brugada was knighted this year. The big news today is that, who looks like Sean Connery, and who has has syndrome named after him, is transferring from has municipal hospital to has university hospital in Brussels. He can' T wait to get back to research, and He wants to unit the best and brightest in his field around him, to keep that talent in Europe. All it takes to could Belgium one the map is has Catalonian. According to Brugada, cardiologists will remain in business for years to come. The best way to measure one' S risk of heart failure, is the size of one' S waist. When has man' S waist measures above 100 cm and has woman' S 90 cm, red flags start to go up. What better way to heed advice over has healthy life style than with has punt of fish. The recipe I tried comes from has French magazine I was reading At the hairdresser' S today. Southern side: glancing up those lovely summer houses. I cam across it in year AD from the French Chamber for the Promulgation of Fish:. Their slogan: The fresh fish, in 5 minutes a true pleasure. And indeed, before you manages to pronounce that clumsy attempt At rhyme, this dish is ready. "My wing of line to the white wine", courtesy of Mickael Ledoublé, Fisherman with 1/2 botttle of Chardonnay gold other white wine. Jumped the onion with the carrot parts in olive oil. Add the garlic, the bay leaf, and the branch of thyme. Cover with the wine and the glass of toilets. Season, and let simmer for 10 minutes. Add the ray to this concoction, and cover. Remove the fish when it is done, and reduce the sauce. Serf the fish covered with the sauce. I cut the carrots in 1-inch angular parts. My sister in law who' S Asian does not like to eat carrots cut in slices. Ever since her remark I' ve come to disfavor slices too. I was out of bay leaves, and added some dried leaves of majoram. Local The fish blind was one holiday, so I bought the fish from the monger At our local Albertson' S. I added has small part of ginger to the broth, Asian-style. Edge has dish with 1/2 bottle of white wine cooked in ever fail in taste. Have I was also busy with has first race, I served this fish quickly with has side punt of lime pit warp end rigate. I used has Meseta that was open already, year organic white wine from Spain. I only had one wing of skate left, so I used 3 fillets of hake too. Very Nice with the hake, excel with the skate. The wine I used was has local bottle of cheap chardonnay (Robertson Winery, 2007). Price aside, I' m not sour A more awarded wine would cuts made has difference. I' m delighted you found uses in one of my first posts. Posting from the leafy surroundings of Brussels. Finds leisure in house and garden, glad to learn, yet unfazed by ideal standard.

Street source mag

Double assassination in the street Mortuary - Edgar Allan POE. Abr?tions Associations - 11, street F?lon - 75010 Paris/T? Double assassination in the street Mortuary the vagina dent?e the Victoria Queen and the sexual not-report/ratio. Ind?nts. uses: girdle chastet?braguette, etc. It n’.y does not have a body, it n’.y does not have d’.esprit.: it n’.y has that l’.inconscient.. Does Da Vinci Code, qu? of Graal and Cause freudienne. Narcisse, twelve gods of l’.Olympe and not me L’.Excitation sexual: forms hallucinatory, aphrodisiac and obsc? ?tic D?re with sexual perversion Th?ie g?rale of the n?oses (sympt?s, r?stance and repression, transfer)?tic Passion of the?ffes at the woman - 1908. L’.Art?s arcadienne and D?se with the snakes of Cnossos All that you always wanted to know about Œ.dipe and its Complexe…. A case of f?chism of bottoms (sadi-f?chism). Does Da Vinci Code, qu? of Graal and Cause freudienne. Salp?e yesterday. Today Madam. Das Ding at the Uncles flingueurs Freud and the memory of childhood of L?ard de Vinci Adventures with sexual adult women Left with Elias and its sœ.ur Sarah How I made the acquaintance of Dolly Morton The Faces Men and Women of the Underground Railway. Double assassination in the street Morgue GOES BACK TO PUBLICATION ON LINE: Saturday 17 d?mbre 2005 Which song sang the sir?s.. which name Achille it had taken, when it hid among the women. - admittedly embarrassing Questions but which aren't situ? with the del?e any conjecture. The facult?de l’.esprit qu’.on d?nit by the term analytical are in they-m?s very little likely d’.analyse. We appr?ons them only by their r?ltats. It draws from the pleasure m? more commonplace occasions which put its talents concerned. R?ltats, skilfully d?its by l’.? m? and l’.essence of its m?ode, have r?lement all to l’.air d’.une intuition. Because, all things considered, any calculation n’.est not in oneself an analysis. A player d’.?ecs, for example, makes l’.un without l’.autre extremely well. He follows l?ue the play d’.?ecs, in his effects on spiritual nature, is extremely badly appr??L’.attention is strongly brought into play there. If it rel?e d’.un urgent, one makes an error d’.o?l r?lte a loss or a d?ite. Indeed, it n’.y has any similar play which makes more work the facult?e l’.analyse. When I say the force, j’.entends this perfection in the play which includes/understands l’.intelligence of all the cases which one can l?timement make his profit. They are not only various, but complex, and are often d?bent in depths of pens?absolument inaccessible the?ne ordinary intelligence. Also, to have a m?anger fid? and proc?r d’.apr?le book is points which constitute for vulgar the height of playing well. But c’.est in the cases situ?au del?e the r?e that the talent of l’.analyste appears. it makes in silence a crowd d’.observations and d?ctions. L’.important, the main thing is of knowing this qu’.il is necessary to observe. It examines the aspect of its partner, it carefully compares it with that of each one of its adversaries. It notes each movement of the aspect?esure which the play goes, and collects a capital of pens? in the expressions vari? of certainty, of surprise, triumph or bad mood. the mani? to collect a lev? it guesses if the m? nobody can about it do another in the continuation. It reconna?ce which is jou?ar pretended to?’.air of which c’.est jet?ur the table. Between l’.ing?osit?t analytical l’.aptitude, there is a diff?nce much larger qu’.entre l’.imaginative and ḻ.imagination, but d’.un caract? rigorously similar. All things considered, one will see that ing?eux l’.homme is always full d’.imaginative, and that l’.homme really imaginary n’.est never another thing qu’.un analyst. The r?t which follows will be for the reader a luminous comment of the proposals which I come d’.avancer. I remained?aris - during spring and a part of l’.? from 18. The books?ient its only luxury v?tablement, and?aris one gets them easily. Us v?s always more and more. Our exclusion?it compl?.. we did not receive any visit. My friend had a bizarrery ḏ.humor, - because how to d?nir that. Black the divinit?e could not always remain with us. but made we the contrefa of it?. It seemed to take a d?ce acre?’.exercer, - can -?e m? ?’.?ler, - and acknowledged without F? all the pleasure qu’.il drew some. I l’.observais in his paces, and I r?is often?a old philosophy of l’.? double, - I m’.amusais?’.id?d’.un double Dupin, - Dupin cr?or and Dupin analyst. Qu’.on s’.imagine not, d’.apr?ce that I have just said, that I go d?iler large a myst? or?anger a novel. What j’.ai remarqu?ans this singular Fran?s?it simply the r?ltat d’.une intelligence surexcit? - patient can -?e. But an example will give better a id?de the nature of its observations?’.?que of which it s’.agit. One night, we fl?ons in a long dirty street, bordering the Palais Royal. We?ons plong?chacun in our clean pens?, seemingly at least, and, since pr?d’.un quarter d’.heure, we did not n’.avions souffl?ne syllable. All?oup Dupin l?a these words: C’.est a small good gar?, in v?t? and it would be better?a place with the th?re of Vari?s. One apr minute? I returned?oi, and my?nnement was deep. Dupin, I, voil?ui say tr?gravement passes my intelligence. I acknowledge you, to the point, that j’.en am stup??t that j’.en can?eine believe my directions. How could it be made that you have devin?ue I thought?Mais I undoubtedly m’.arr?i for m’.assurer qu’.il had soothsayer r?lement? who I thought. You made in you-m? the remark that its small size made it unsuitable?a trag?e. C’.?it pr?s?nt what made the subject of my r?exions. Dites me, for l’.amour of God. the m?ode - if m?ode there is -?’.aide of which you could p?trer my?, in the current case. In r?it?j’.?is even more?nn?ue I n’.aurais desired to confess it. L’.homme which s’.est jet?ontre you, when we are entr?dans the street, it A can -?e a quarter d’.heure there. I remembered then qu’.en effect a fruit-loft, bearing on his T? a large apple basket, m’.avait almost jet?ar ground by awkwardness, as we passed from the street C in l’.art? principal o?ous let us?ons then. But which report/ratio that had it with Chantilly.. It n’.y did not have an atom of charlatanry in my friend Dupin. Principal rings of the cha? follow themselves as follows: Chantilly, Orion, Doctor Nichols, Epicure, st?otomy, VAP? the fruit-loft. Nous caused horses - if my m?anger does not mislead me - right before leaving the street C. I n’.?is not absolutely attentive?out what you did. but, for me, ḻ.observation became, of old date, esp? of n?ssit? ], o?’.on has just made l’.essai pav?e wood, a syst? plain blocks and firmly assembl? Here your aspect s’.est?aircie, j’.ai considering your l?es to stir up, and j’.ai devin??’.en not to doubt, that you murmur yourselves the word st?otomy, a appliqu?ort term pr?ntieusement?e kind of paving. You n’.y do not have manqu?et I were then certain to strictly d’.avoir embo? the step of your r?rie. However, in this amndt? joke on Chantilly, which appeared yesterday in. Perdidit antiquum will liitera PRIMA sonum. It?it clearly, d?lors, that you could not miss d’.associer both id? d’.Orion and of Chantilly. style of the smile which crossed your l?es. You thought?̱.immolation of the poor cobbler. Until-l?vous had march?ourb?n two, but then I live you to rectify you all your height. Quite s?que J’.?is you thought?a poor small size of Chantilly. Little time apr?cet maintenance, we traversed l’.?tion of the evening of the Gazette of the Courts, when the following paragraphs attir?nt our attention: «..DOUBLE ASSASSINATION OF MOST SINGULAR. When one arrived at the second stage, these noises had?lement cess?et all?it perfectly quiet. The neighbors r?ndirent themselves of room in room. «..La room?it in more?ange d?rdre.. the pieces of furniture bris?et?rpill?dans all directions. It n’.y had qu’.un reads, the mattresses had some? arrach?et jet?au medium of the parquet floor. In do a corner, the drawers d’.une convenient?ient open and undoubtedly had? put at plundering, well qu’.on has trouv?lusieurs intact articles there. A small iron box was trouv?ous the bed linen (not under the bedstead).. it?it opened, with the key in the lock. It contained only some old letters and d’.autres papers of no importance. - one withdrew the body of the young lady from them, T? in bottom, which had? introduced of force and pouss?ar l’.?oite opening jusqu’.?ne distance enough consid?ble. While l’.examinant, one d?uvrit of many excoriations, occasionn? undoubtedly by the violence with which there was? fourr?t qu’.il had been necessary to employ for the d?ger. Did L?isait the corpse of the old injury, with the throat so perfectly coup?que, when one try to raise it, T? d?cha of the trunk. The body, as well as T?, ?it terribly mutil?et this one?e not qu’.il kept?eine a human appearance. «..Toute this business remained horrible a myst?, and jusqu’.?r?nt one n’.a not yet d?uvert, that we know, the least discussion thread. The num? according to these d?ils carried additional:. - Good d’.individus number have? interrog?relativement?e terrible and extraordinary?nement, but nothing n’.a transpir?ui can throw some day on l’.affaire. We give below the d?sitions obtained: «..Pauline Dubourg, qu’.elle washing machine, d?se knew the two victims during three years, and qu’.elle bleached for them during all this time. The old injury and its daughter seemed in good intelligence - tr?affectueuses l’.une towards l’.autre. It can nothing relatively tell to?or way of life and average?eurs d’.existence. It believes that Mme.l’.Espanaye said the good adventure to live. This injury passed to have l’.argent of C?. It n’.a never rencontr?ersonne in the house, when it came to bring back or take the linen. It is S? that these injuries n’.avaient any servant?or service. It has sembl?u’.il n’.y had to him pieces of furniture in any part of the house, except?u quatri? ?ge. «..Pierre Moreau, tobacconist, d?se qu’.il provided usually Mme.l’.Espanaye, and small quantit?de tobacco sold to him, sometimes out of powder. It is n?ans the district and y always has demeur?La d?nte and his/her daughter had occupied for more than six years the house o?’.on has trouv?eurs corpses. Originally it?it habit?par a jeweller, who sub-leased the apartments sup?eurs?iff?ntes people. The t?in saw the girl five or six times in l’.intervalle from these six ann?. They carried out both a life excessively to retir?. they passed to have what. It intended to say in the neighbors that Mme.l’.Espanaye said the good adventure. it does not believe it. It n’.a never considering anybody to cross the door, except?a old injury and his/her daughter, a commission agent one or twice, and a different m?cin eight or ten «..Plusieurs people of the vicinity d?sent in the m? feel. One quotes nobody like having fr?ent?a house. It is not known if the injury and its daughter had alive parents. The shutters of the fen?es of face seldom s’.ouvraient. Those of derri? always?ient ferm? except?ux fen?es of large arri?-pi? quatri? ?ge. The house?it a rather good house, not too old. It l’.a forc?avec a ba?nette and not with a grip. It n’.a have grand’.peine to?’.ouvrir, parce qu’.elle?eux?it beating and n’.?it verrouill?ni by in top, nor by in bottom. Do the cries have continu?usqu’.?e that the door f?enfonc? then they have cess?Il suddenly has distingu?uelques words of the premi?.: c’.?it that d’.un Fran?s. It is certain that this n’.est not a voice of woman. It could distinguish the words sacr?t devil. The voice aigu?tait that d’.un?anger. It does not know pr?s?nt if c’.?it a voice d’.homme or of woman. It n’.a been able to guess this qu’.elle said, but it pr?me qu’.elle spoke Spanish. This t?in returns account of l’.?t of the room and of the corpses in the m?s terms which we l’.avons makes yesterday. «..Henri Duval, a neighbor, and orf?e of sound?t, d?se qu’.il formed part of the group of those which are entr?les first in the house. The voice aigu??n to believe the t?in?it a voice d’.Italien. blow S? this n’.?it not a voice fran?se. It does not know with the Juste if c’.?it a voice of woman. however, that could?e well. The t?in knew Mme.l’.Espanaye and its daughter. It is certain that the voice aigu?’.?it that d’.aucune of the victims. It does not speak fran?s, and one l’.a interrog?ar the channel d’.un interpr?. It passed in front of the house at the time of the cries. They have dur?uelques minutes, ten minutes can -?e. C’.?ient of the cries prolong? tr?hauts, tr?effrayants, - disturbing cries. Odenheiner is one of those which have p?tr?ans the house. It confirms the t?ignage pr?dent?’.exception d’.un only point. It is s?que the voice aigu?tait that d’.un man, - d’.un Fran?s. One spoke high and quickly, - d’.un your in?l, - and who expressed fear as well as the collar?. The voice?it?e, plut??e qu’.aigu?Il cannot call that pr?s?nt a voice aigu?La large voice says?lusieurs taken again:. «..Jules Mignaud, banker, of the house Mignaud and wire, street Deloraine. Mme.l’.Espanaye had some fortune. It had opened an account in its house to him, eight years before, in spring. It often has d?s?hez to him small sums d’.argent. It does not have anything to him d?vr?usqu’.au troisi? day before its death, o?lle came to ask for to him in person a sum of four thousand franks. Does this sum have to him? pay?en but, and a clerk has? charg?e to carry it to him to it. When the door s’.ouvrit, Miss l’.Espanaye appeared and took hands to him l’.un of the two bags, while the old injury d?argeait it of l’.autre. C’.est a one-eyed street, tr?solitaire. «..William Bird, tailor, d?se qu’.il are one of those which were introduced into the house. It is one of the first which have mont?’.escalier. It heard the voices which disputed. The hard voice?it that d’.un Fran?s. It could distinguish some words, but it does not remember them. It distinctly heard sacr?t my God. C’.?it in this moment a noise as several people who fight, - din d’.une fight and d’.objets qu’.on breaks. The voice aigu?tait tr?forte, stronger than the hard voice. It is s?que this n’.?it not a voice d’.Anglais. It seemed to him a voice d’.Allemand.. can -?e a voice of woman well. All perfectly quiet?it. neither g?ssements, nor noises d’.aucune esp?. Apr?avoir forc?a carries, they do not transfer anybody. «..Les fen?es, in the room of derri? and in do that of face?ient ferm? and firmly subjugated in inside. A door of communication?it ferm? but not?lef. There is carefully d?ng?t visit?ous these objects. It n’.y has an unspecified inch d’.une not left the house which n’.ait? carefully visit?On made to p?trer chimney sweepers in the way?. The house is?uatre?ges with attics. The t?ins vary on the dur?du time?ul?ntre the moment o?’.on heard the voices which disputed and that o?’.on has forc?a carries room. Some l’.?luent too short, two or three minutes, - d’.autres, five minutes. The door was not open qu’.?Rand’.peine. «..Alfonso Garcio, contractor of pumps fun?es, d?se qu’.il remains street Morgue. It is one of those which have p?tr?ans the house. It has the nerves tr?d?cats and fears the cons?ences d’.une forces nervous agitation. It heard the voices which disputed. The large voice?it that d’.un Fran?s. Did the voice aigu?tait that English d’.un, it is well S? The t?in does not know l’.anglais, but it judges ḏ.apr?ḻ.intonation. «..Alberto Montani, confectioner, d?se qu’.il were first which mont?nt l’.escalier. The raucous voice?it that d’.un Fran?s. L’.individu which spoke seemed to make remonstrances. It n’.a not been able to guess what said the aigu?Elle voice spoke quickly and by jerks. It confirms in g?ral the t?ignages pr?dents. It is Italian. it never acknowledges qu’.il n’.a caus?vec a Russian. When they have parl?e brushing, they wanted to speak about these brushes in the shape of cylinders of which one is used for oneself to clean the way?. One made pass these brushes top to bottom in all the pipes of the house. It n’.y has on the derri? no passage which could support the escape d’.un assassin while the t?ins assembled l’.escalier. The body of Miss l’.Espanaye?it so firmly engag?ans the chemin?qu’.il was necessary, to withdraw it, that four or five of the t?ins r?issent their forces. «..Paul Dumas, m?cin, d?se qu’.il have? appel?u not of the day to examine the corpses. They lay both on the bottom of strap of the bed in the room o?vait? trouv?Mlle l’.Espanaye. Do the body of the young injury?it strongly ravaged and excori?Ces particularit?s’.expliquent sufficiently by the fact of its introduction into the way? The throat?it singuli?ment?rch? There was, just below the chin, several?atignures deep, with a rang?de livid spots, r?ltant?demment of the pressure of the fingers. The face?it terribly d?lor? and the spheres of the eyes left T?. A broad bruise appeared with the hollow of l’.estomac, produced, according to any appearance, by the pressure d’.un genou..Dumas, Miss l’.Espanaye had? ?angl?par un.ou by several unknown individuals. All bones of the leg and the left arm more or less fracass?. the left tibia bris?n esquilles, as well as the c?s of the m? C?. Did all the terribly ravaged body and d?lor?Il?it impossible to say how similar blows have? port? With n’.importe which weapon, no woman n’.aurait been able to strike such blows. T? d?nte, when the t?in saw it?it enti?ment s?r?du trunk and, as the remainder, singuli?ment broy? Did the throat?demment have? tranch?avec an instrument tr?affil?tr?probablement a razor. «..Alexandre Etienne, surgeon, has? appel?n m? time that M..Dumas to visit the corpses. it confirms the t?ignage and l’.opinion of Mr. ..Quoic several other people have? interrog?, one n’.a been able to obtain any other information d’.une unspecified value. Never so myst?eux assassination, if embrouill?n’.a? clerk?aris, if however there were assassination. «..La police force is absolutely d?ut? - strong case usit?ans businesses of this nature. It is really impossible to find the wire of this business. It was only apr?que the newspaper e?annonc?’.emprisonnement of Lebon qu’.il required of me which opinion relatively j’.avais?e double murder. I pus to only to confess him that j’.?is like any Paris, and that I it consid?is like a myst? insoluble. I did not see any d’.attraper means the trace of the murderer. Nous let us not have to consider means possible, known as Dupin, by an embryonic instruction. Is the Parisian police force, if vant?pour its p?tration, tr?rus? nothing more. It proc? without m?ode, it n’.a not d’.autre m?ode that that of the moment. One makes here large a?lage measurements, but it arrives often qu’.elles are so inopportune and so badly appropri? with the goal, qu’.elles make think?. its dressing gown - for better hearing the music. The r?ltats obtained are sometimes surprising, but they are, for the greatest part, simply due?a diligence and?’.activit?Dans the insufficient case o?es facult?sont, the plans misses. It decreased the force of its vision by looking at too Pr l’.objet? That can s’.appeler the too major d’.?e means. The v?t?’.est not always in a well. All things considered, as?e which looks at the concepts which int?ssent us moreover Pr? I believe qu’.elle is invariably?a surface. We seek it in the depth of the vall?: c’.est of the top of the mountains that we will d?uvrirons it. «..On finds in the contemplation of the bodies c?stes examples and let us?antillons excellent of this ḏ.error kind. «..Quant?et assassination, we -m?s make an examination before training us an opinion. We will go on the spot, we will examine them our own eyes, the pr?t of police force, and we will obtain without sorrow ḻ.autorisation n?ssaire. Was L’.autorisation agreement? and us all?s straight?a street Mortuary. C’.est one of these mis?bles passages which connect the street Richelieu?a street Saint-Roch. Dupin, during this time, examined all the neighbourhoods, as well as the house, with a meticulous attention of which I could not guess l’.objet. Us mont?s jusqu’.?a room o?n had trouv?e body of Miss l’.Espanaye, and still o?isaient the two corpses. The d?rdre of the room had? respect?comme that is practised in such a case. I do not live anything more than this constat?a qu’.avait. Dupin analyzed all things thoroughly, without excluding the bodies of the victims of them. Us pass?s then in the other rooms, and us descend?s in the courses, always accompagn?par a gendarme. This examination lasted strong a long time, and it?it night when us quitt?s the house. While turning over on our premises, my comrade s’.arr? a few minutes in the offices d’.un daily newspaper. J’.ai says that my friend had any kind of bizarreries, and that I m?geais them (because this word n’.a not d’.?ivalent in English). It now entered its imagination to refuse?oute conversation relatively?’.assassinat, jusqu’.au following day?idi. It was then qu’.il required of me abruptly if j’.avais remarqu?uelque thing of. There was in its mani? to pronounce the particular word an accent which gave me the shiver without I knowing why. Non, nothing private individual, say I, nothing other, at least, that what we read both in the newspaper. Gazette, began again it, n’.a not, I fear it, strange p?tr?̱.horror of l’.affaire. But let us leave l?es opinions niaises of this paper. People of police force are confused by apparent l’.absence of reasons l?timant not the murder in him-m?, but l’.atrocit?u murder. They made the tr?grosse and tr?commune fault of confusing l’.extraordinaire with l’.abstrus. But c’.est precisely while following these d?ations of the ordinary course of nature that the reason will find its way, if the thing is possible, and will go towards the v?t?Bref, the facilit?vec which will j’.arriverai - or I am D? arriv? ?a solution of the myst? is because direct of sound insolubilit?pparente to the eyes of the police force. I fixed my man with?nnement dumb. It is probable qu’.il is innocent atrocious part of the crime. J’.esp? not to mislead me in this hypoth?.. because c’.est on this hypoth? that I melt l’.esp?nce of d?iffrer l’.?gme enti?. J’.attends l’.homme here, - in this room, - d’.une?’.autre minute. It is true qu’.il can extremely well not come, but there is some probabilit?pour qu’.il comes. Here guns, and we know both?uoi they are useful when l’.occasion l’.exige. J’.ai del?arl?e its mani?s inattentive in these moments-l?Ses eyes, d’.une vague expression, looked at only the wall. Did that fully d?rrasse us of the question of knowing if the old injury would have assassin?a girl and would be then suicid? Does the murder thus have? made by thirds, and the voices of these thirds are those qu’.on intended to quarrel. «..Permettez maintaining me d’.appeler your attention, - not on the relative d?sitions?es voice, - but on this qu’.il has there of private individual in these d?sitions. There you have remarqu?uelque thing of private individual. Cela constitutes l’.?dence, known as Dupin, but not the particularit?e l’.?dence. You n’.avez anything observ?e distinctive. - however there was. The t?ins, notice, are to it d’.accord on the large voice. l?essus, there is unanimit?«..Chacun compares it not?a voice d’.un individual of which the language would be to him famili?, but precisely on the contrary. Fran?s pr?me that c’.?it a voice d’.Espagnol, and it could have distinguished some words s’.il?it familiaris?vec l’.espagnol. Does the Dutchman affirm that c’.?it the voice d’.un Fran?s, but it is?bli that the t?in, not knowing the fran?s, has? interrog?ar the channel d’.un interpr?. L’.Anglais thinks that c’.est the voice d’.un German, and. L’.Espagnol is positively s?que c’.?it the voice English d’.un, but it judges some only by ḻ.intonation, bus. L’.Italien believes?ne voice of Russian, but it n’.a never caus?vec a native person of Russia. However, this quite strange voice?it thus and well?ange, qu’.on to p?obtenir?on?rd only similar t?ignages.. A voice in the intonations of which citizens of the five great parts of l’.Europe n’.ont nothing been able reconna?e which them f?familier.. You will say to me that c’.?it can -?e the voice d’.un Asiatique or d’.un African. The Africans and the Asian ones do not n’.abondent?aris.. but, without denying the possibilit?u case, will j’.appellerai simply your attention on three points:. Two others do voices Br speak about it like d’.une? and saccad? These t?ins n’.ont distingu?ucune word, - no resembling sound?es words. «..J’.ai known as: d?ctions l?times, but doesn't this expression return my pens compl?ment? I wanted to make hear that these d?ctions are the only suitable ones, and that this soup? in emerges in?tablement like only the r?ltat possible. However, of which nature is this soup?, I will not say it imm?atement to you. «..Maintenant, we in imagination in this room transport. Which will be the first object of our research. Average the d’.?sion employ?par murderers. We can affirm - n’.est this not - that we believe neither l’.un nor l’.autre in the supernatural?nements. Mmes.l’.Espanaye n’.ont not? assassin? by the spirits. The authors of the murder?ient?es mat?els, and they fled mat?ellement. Fortunately, it n’.y has qu’.une mani? to reason on this point, and this mani? us?ne positive conclusion will lead. Thus let us examine a?n the possible means d’.?sion. It is clear that the assassins?ient in the room o?’.on has trouv?lle l’.Espanaye, or at least in the adjacent room when crowd has mont?’.escalier. This n’.est thus that in these two rooms which we have?hercher exits. The police force has lev?es parquet floors, opened the ceilings, sond?a ma?nery of the walls. No exit secr? n’.a been able?apper?a I perspicacit?Mais am not fi? its eyes, and j’.ai examin?vec miens.: it n’.y does not have r?lement d’.issue secr?. The two doors which lead rooms in the corridor?ient ferm firmly? and keys in inside. «..L’.impossibilit?e the escape, at least by the ways above indiqu?, ?nt thus absolutely?blie, we are r?its with the fen?es. Nobody n’.a been able to flee by those of the room of the front without?e seen by the crowd of the outside. It thus was necessary that the murderers s’.?appassent by those of the room of derri?. There thus do not remain to us qu’.??ntrer that this impossibilit?pparente ṉ.exist not in r?it?«..Il has two there fen?es in the room. L’.une of both n’.est not obstru?par l’.ameublement, and is rest?enti?ment visible. The inf?eure part of l’.autre is cach?par the bedside of the bed, which is extremely massive and which is pouss?out against. There is constat?ue the premi? ?it firmly subjugated in inside. It has r?st?ux efforts more the violent ones of those which have essay?e the rising. There was perc?ans his ch?is?auche, a large hole with a gimlet, and one found there a large nail enfonc?resque jusqu’.?a T?. By examining l’.autre fen?e, there is trouv?ich?n similar nail there. and a vigorous effort to raise the ch?is n’.a have more the succ?que one of l’.autre C?. The police force?it d?lors fully convinced qu’.aucune escape n’.avait been able s’.effectuer by this way. It was thus consid? like superfluity to withdraw the nails and to d’.ouvrir the fen?es. «..Mon examination was a little more meticulous, and that by the reason that I have you donn?tout?’.heure. was necessary d?ntrer that l’.impossibilit?’.?it qu’.apparente. - the murderers s’.?ient?d?par l’.une of these fen?es. However, these ch?is?ient ferm well? qu’.ils is thus necessary can close d’.eux-m?s. It n’.y did not have average d’.?apper?ette conclusion. Right J’.allai?a fen?e not bouch? I withdrew the nail with some difficult?et j’.essayai of raising the ch?is. It has r?st? all my efforts, as I m’.y waited. A meticulous examination made me bient?d?uvrir the secret spring. I pushed it, and, satisfied with my d?uverte, I m’.abstins of raising the ch?is. «..Je then positioned back the nail and l’.examinai attentively. Could a person passing by the fen?e l’.avoir referm? and would the spring have made its office. but the nail does not n’.aurait? replac?Cette clear?it conclusion and still r??ssait the field of my investigations was necessary that the assassins were flee by l’.autre fen?e. By thus supposing that the springs of both believe? were similar, like it?it probable, it was however necessary to find a diff?nce in the nails, or at least in the mani? they had? fix? I went up on the bottom of strap of the bed, and I looked at thoroughly l’.autre fen?e over the bedside of the bed. I passed my hand derri?, I d?uvris ais?nt the spring, and I made it play. - it?it, as I l’.avais devin?identic with the first. It?it as large as l’.autre, and fix?e the m? mani?, enfonc?resque jusqu’.?a T?. J’.avais followed the secrecy until in its derni? phase, and this phase, c’.?it the nail. There is necessary, say oneself I, qu’.il is in this nail something of d?ctueux. I touched it, and T?, with a small piece of the stem, a quarter of inch approximately, remained me in the fingers. Remains to it stem?it in the hole, o?lle s’.?it cass? I readjusted T carefully? with the piece which continued it, and the whole appeared an intact nail. the crack?it inappr?able. I pressed the spring, I raised the crois?de gently a few inches. T? nail came with it, without moving of its hole. I closed again believe it? and the nail offered the pretence of complete nail again. «..Jusqu’.ici l’.?gme?it d?ouill? L’.assassin had fled by the fen?e which touched with the bed «..La question, now?it that of the mode of descent. On this point, j’.avais satisfied my spirit in our walk around b?ment. does five feet and half approximately of the fen?e in question run a cha? of lightning conductor. Of this cha?, it E?? impossible?’.importe which d’.atteindre the fen?e?lus strong reason d’.entrer. «..Toutefois, j’.ai remarqu?ue shutters of the quatri? ?ge?ient particular kind that the Parisian carpenters call ferrades, kind of shutters very little usit?ujourd’.hui, but qu’.on meets fr?emment in old houses of Lyon and Bordeaux. «..Dans the case in question, these shutters is broad of three good feet and half. It is pr?mable that the police force has examin?omme me the derri?s b?ment.. but, while looking at these. Does all things considered, the agents, when it have? d?ntr?our them that the escape n’.avait been able s’.effectuer this C?, do not have appliqu?u’.un brief examination to them. It?it clearly also that, by l’.effort d’.une?rgie and d’.un courage strange, one could?’.aide of the cha?, to have C$op? an invasion by the fen?e. «..Remarquez well, I request, that j’.ai parl?’.une?rgie tr?peu common, n?ssaire from you to r?sir in such a difficult company, such a hazardous. Is my goal, to prove to you d’.abord that the thing could be done, - in the second place and mainly, d’.attirer your attention on the caract? tr?extraordinaire, almost supernatural, of l’.agilit??ssaire to l’.accomplir. «..Vous will undoubtedly say, while being useful to you of the legal language, that, to give my proof under-?luer l’.?rgie n?ssaire in this case that r?amer its exact estimate. C’.est can -?e the practice of the courts, but that does not return in the customs of the reason. My final object, c’.est the v?t? these words, a vague and embryonic design of the pens?de Dupin passed in my spirit. My friend continued his argumentation: Vous, does he say sees, that j’.ai transport?a question of the mode of exit to the d’.entr mode? It?it in its plan of d?ntrer qu’.elles is effectu? m? mani? and on the m? not. Let us turn over now in ḻ.int?or of the room. Drawers of the convenient one, does one say, have? put at plundering, and however there are there trouv?lusieurs intact toilet articles. This conclusion is absurd. c’.est a simple conjecture, - a conjecture passably niaise, and nothing more. How can we know that the articles trouv?dans the drawers do not repr?ntent all that the drawers contained. Did Mme.l’.Espanaye and its daughter excessively carry out a life to retir? did not see the world, seldom left, had thus little d’.occasions to change toilet. Those qu’.on A trouv??ient at least d’.aussi good qualit?u’.aucun of those which probably these injuries poss?ient. And, if a robber had taken of them some, why it n’.aurait not taken the best, - why it all would not have taken them. In short, why it would have abandonn?es four thousand franks out of gold for s’.emp?er d’.un package of linen. Almost the totalit?e the sum d?gn?par the Mignaud banker has? trouv?sur the parquet floor, in the bags. I thus hold?carter of your pens?l’.id?saugrenue d’.un int?t, id?engendr?dans the brain of the police force by the d?sitions which speak d’.argent d?vr? m carries it? house. In the case pr?nt, if l’.or had disappeared, the fact qu’.il had? d?vr?rois days before cr?ait something moreover qu’.une co?idence. Voil?ne woman?angl?par the force of the hands, and introduced into a way? T? in bottom. Ordinary assassins do not n’.emploient similar a proc?s to kill. Even less they thus hide the corpses of their victims. In this F? to line the body in the way? you will admit qu’.il has there something d’.excessif and of odd. now let us «..Portons our attention on d’.autres indices of this marvellous strength. In the hearth, there is trouv?es m?es hair, - m?es tr??isses of gray hair. They have? arrach?avec their roots. You know which powerful force it is necessary to tear off only T? twenty or thirty hair?a time. You saw the m?es in question as well as me. their grumel roots? - dreadful spectacle. «..Non only the neck of the old injury?it coup?mais T? absolutely s?r?du body. l’.instrument?it a simple razor. Please notice this f?cit?Je does not speak about the bruises of the body of Mme.l’.Espanaye.. Do M..Etienne, have affirm?u’.elles had? produced by a blunt instrument. and in that these Messrs were all?ait in truth. Does blunt L’.instrument have? ?demment the pav?e the court on which the victim is tomb?de the fen?e which gives on the bed. Which impression I made on your imagination. I felt a shiver to run in my flesh when Dupin made me this question. Un insane, do I say will have made this murder, - some furious maniac?app? a house of sant?u vicinity. Pas too badly, r?iqua it, your id?est almost applicable. The insane ones form unspecified part d’.une nation and their language, for incoh?nt qu’.il is in the words, is always syllabifi?En in addition to, the insane hair d’.un does not resemble?elui that I hold now in my hand. J’.ai d?g?ette small tuft of the rigid fingers and crisp?de Mme.l’.Espanaye. Say to me what you think say I, compl?ment boulevers?ces hair is quite extraordinary, - they are not l?es hair FAC-SIMIL?UI repr?nte what certain d?sitions d?nissent the bruises noir?es and the deep marks d’.ongles trouv? on the neck of Miss l’.Espanaye, and that MISTERS a s?e of livid spots?demment caus? by l’.impression of the fingers. Vous see, continued my friend by d?oyant paper on the table, that this drawing gives l’.id?d’.une comes up solid and firm. It n’.y does not have d’.apparence which the fingers have gliss?Chaque finger has gard?peut-?e jusqu’.?a died of the victim, the terrible made catch qu’.il s’.?it, and in which it s’.est now moul?Essayez to place all your fingers, in m? time, each one in the similar mark which you see. Il is possible, known as Dupin, which we do not make this exp?ence d’.une mani? d?sive. Paper is d?oy?ur a plane surface, and the human throat is cylindrical. Here a wood roller whose circonf?nce is?eu pr?celle d’.un neck?alez the drawing around, and start again l’.exp?ence. J’.ob?.. but the difficult?ut even more?dente that the premi? time. Ceci, I, n’.est say not the trace d’.une human hand. Maintenant, known as Dupin, read this passage of Vat. C’.?it l’.histoire meticulous, anatomical and descriptive of the large fawn-coloured orang-outang of the?s of l’.Inde Eastern. Everyone conna?suffisamment the gigantic stature, the force and l’.agilit?rodigieuses, the f?cit?auvage and the facult?ḏ.imitation of this mammif?. I included/understood d’.un only very l’.horrible blow of the murder. La description of the fingers, I say, when j’.eus finished the reading, s’.accorde perfectly with the drawing. I see qu’.aucun animal - except?n orang-outang, and of l’.esp? in question, - n’.aurait been able to make marks such as those which you have drawing?. Is this tuft of fawn-coloured hairs also d’.un caract? identical?elui of l’.animal of Vat. But I easily do not realize of the d?ils of this appalling myst?. D’.ailleurs, one intended two votes incontestably to dispute, and l’.une d’.elles?it the voice d’.un Fran?s. C’.est true. and you will remember a attribu?presque expression unanimously?ette voice, - l’.expression. Do these words, in the circumstances pr?ntes, have? caract?s?par l’.un of the t?ins (Montani, the confectioner) like expressing a reproach and a remonstrance. C’.est thus on these two words that j’.ai fond?’.esp?nce of d?ouiller compl?ment l’.?gme. It is possible - it is m? more than probable - qu’.il is innocent of any participation?ette bloody business. It is possible qu’.il followed its trace jusqu’.?a room, but that, in the terrible circumstances which followed, it n’.ait been able s’.emparer of him. We will thus name them conjectures, and we will take them only for such. The World (consacr?aux sheet int?ts maritime, and tr?recherch?par sailors), will l’.am?ra on our premises. - There is trouv?ans the wood of Boulogne, the morning of the current (c’.?it the morning of l’.assassinat), of fort good hour, a?rme fawn-coloured orang-outang of l’.esp? of Born? Comment you could, asked I?upin, for knowledge that l’.homme?it a sailor, and qu’.il belonged?n Maltese ship. Je, does he say does not know it, I n’.en am not S? Moreover, this nœ.ud is one of those which few people can do, except?es marine, and it is particular to the Malteses. J’.ai ramass?e ribbon with the bottom of the cha? lightning conductor. It is impossible qu’.il belonged?’.une of the two victims. If I am in ḻ.error, it will suppose simply that j’.ai? fourvoy?ar some circumstance of which it will not take the trouble of s’.enqu?r. But, if I am in the truth, there is a great point of gagn?Le Fran?s, which is informed of the murder, well qu’.il is innocent, will h?tera??ndre?’.annonce naturally, -??amer its orang-outang. One l’.a trouv?ans the wood of Boulogne, -?ne long distance of the th?re of the murder. Soup?nera one never qu’.une B? rough could make the blow. Is the police force d?st? - it n’.a been able to find the smallest driver. When m? one would be on the track of l’.animal, it would be impossible to prove to me that j’.aie be informed of this murder, or m’.incriminer because of this knowledge. Lastly, and above all, I am known. The r?ctor of l’.annonce me d?gne like the propri?anger of B?. But I do not know jusqu’.?uel not s’.?nd his certainty. If j’.?te of r?amer a propri? d’.une also large value, which is known to m’.appartenir, I then to attract on l’.animal a dangerous soup?. It would be of my share a bad policy d’.appeler l’.attention on me or B?. I will r?ndrai d?d?nt?’.avis newspaper, I will take again my orang-outang, and I will l’.enfermerai jusqu’.?e firmly that this business is lapse of memory? In this moment, us entend?s a step which assembled l’.escalier. Appr?z you, known as Dupin, take your guns, but do not be useful to you about it, - do not show them before a signal of me. There was laiss?uverte the door coch?, and the visitor?it enters without sounding and had climbed several steps of l’.escalier. Dupin moved highly towards the door, when us l’.entend?s which went up. This time, it did not beat reprocesses some, but s’.avan?d?b?ment and struck?a carries our room says Dupin d’.une merry and cordial voice. C’.?it?demment a sailor, - large, robust and musculeux individual, with an expression d’.audace of all the devils which n’.?it at all d?aisante. Its figure, strongly h?e?it more d’.?oiti?ach?par favourites and the moustache. It carried a large b?n of CH?, but did not seem differently arm?.Asseyez you, my friend, known as Dupin.. I suppose that you come for your orang-outang. On my word, I you l’.envie almost. it is remarkably beautiful and c’.est undoubtedly a B? d’.un great price. Which? you give him well. The sailor aspired lengthily, to l’.air d’.un man which are soulag?’.un weight intol?ble, and r?iqua d’.une voice assur?: Je did not can to too say you however., it cannot gu? to have more than four or five years. Do you l’.avez here. not. we did not n’.avions a convenient place for l’.enfermer. It is in a?rie of man? pr?d’.ici, street Dubourg. You will be able to l’.avoir tomorrow morning. Thus you?s in measurement to prove your right of propri?.. Je would be really pein?e m’.en s?rer, known as Dupin. Je n’.entends not, known as l’.homme, that you took such an amount of sorrow for nothing. I n’.y do not have compt?Je will pay readily to a r?mpense?a anybody who has retrouv?’.animal, a reasonable r?mpense. Fort well, r?iqua my friend, all that is strong right, v?t?Voyons some, - what you would give well. Here which will be my r?mpense.: you will tell me all that you relative know with the assassinations of the street Morgue. Dupin pronon?ces last words d’.une voice tr?basse and extremely quietly. It moved towards the door with the m? placidit?la closed and put the key in its pocket. It then fired a gun from its centre and posed it without least the?i on the table. The figure of the sailor became crimson, like s’.il in?it with the anguishes d’.une suffocation. It was drawn up on its feet and seizes its b?n.. but, one second apr? it was let fall down on its if?, trembling violently and death on the face. Mon friendly, known as Dupin d’.une voice full with bont?vous you alarm without reason, I ensure you. We do not want to make you any evil. On my honor of gentleman and Fran?s, we n’.avons any bad intention against you. I know that you perfectly?s innocent horrors of the street Morgue. However, that does not want to say that you n’.y are not somewhat impliqu?Le little that I said to you must prove to you that j’.ai have on this business of average the ḏ.information of which you would be never dout?Maintenant, the thing is clear for us. You n’.avez anything made that you could?ter, - nothing?oup on, qui return to you guilty. You could have stolen impun?nt.. you n’.avez m? not? culprit of flight. You n’.avez anything?acher.. you n’.avez any reason to hide anything. Different D’.un C?, you?s constrained by all the principles of ḻ.honnor?onfesser all that you know. An innocent man is currently in prison, accus?u crime of which you can indicate ḻ.autor. While Dupin pronon?t these words, the sailor had recouvr?en great part, its pr?nce d’.esprit.. but all its premi? boldness had disappeared. However, I am innocent, and I will say all that j’.ai on the cœ.ur, when m? it m’.en co?rait the life. Here in substance this qu’.il told us: it had gone on derni?ment an Indian journey in l’.archipel. A band of sailors, of which it formed part, d?rqua?orn?et will p?tra in ḻ.int?or to make an excursion d’.amateurs there. He and one of his/her comrades had taken l’.orang-outang. This comrade died, and l’.animal thus became its propri? exclusive?ui. Its project, finally?it to sell it. Did D’.habitude, it have dompt?’.animal, m? in its more furious acc?les, by the blows of whip, and it wanted to resort this time to it still. This hunting thus lasted a good end of time. The streets?ient profond?nt quiet, and it could?e three hours of the m?n. All this gymnastics did not last a minute. Did the shutter have? repouss?ontre the wall by the jump that l’.orang-outang had made while being thrown in the room. However the sailor?it?a merry and anxious time. He thus had good esp?nce to seize again l’.animal, which could with difficulty s’.?apper of the trap door o?l s’.?it aventur?et d’.o?n could bar the escape to him. Different D’.un C? it took place extremely anxious d’.?e of this qu’.il could make in the house. This derni? r?exion encouraged l’.homme?e to give?a continuation of its fugitive. But this qu’.il saw made him almost l?er taken in l’.exc?de its terror. C’.?it whereas the horrible cries which s’.?vaient?ravers the silence of the night, r?ill?nt in start inhabitants of the street Morgue. It?it opened, and all its contents?it?rpill?ur the parquet floor. The slapping of the shutter could?e probably attribu?u wind. The girl?it by ground, motionless. it s’.?it?nouie. Will fast D’.un blow of its musculeux arm, it s?ra almost T? body. The sight of blood transformed its fury into fr?sy. It grin?t of the teeth, it lan?t of fire by the eyes. It was thrown on the body of the young person, it buries its claws in the throat to him, and jusqu’.?e there qu’.elle f?morte left. Its wild eyes?r?et tomb?nt in this moment on the bedside of the bed, above it could see the face of sound ma?e, paralys?par ḻ.horror. The fury of B?, who without any doubt remembered the terrible whip, changed imm?atement into fright. The voices heard by people of l’.escalier?ient his exclamations ḏ.horror and d’.effroi m?es with the diabolic glapissements of B?. L’.orang-outang s’.?it undoubtedly?app?e the room by the cha? lightning conductor, just before the door f?enfonc? While passing by the fen?e, it l’.avait referm?demment? It was rattrap?lus late by the propri?anger him-m?, who sold it for a handsome price with the Botanical garden. Laissez to speak it, known as Dupin, which did not n’.avait jug? matter of r?iquer. Leave it jaser, that will all?ra its conscience. I am glad to l’.avoir beaten on his own ground. It is all in T? and n’.a not of body, like the portraits of the d?se Laverna.. or, if you like better, all in T? and in?ules, like a cod. My? apr?tout, c’.est a good man. I l’.adore particuli?ment for a marvellous kind of cant to which it must its r?tation of g?e. deny what is, and d’.expliquer what n’.est pas.[. Text?bli by new PSYCHANALYSE-PARIS.COM d’.apr?la «..Double assassination in the street Morgue.»., publi?dans l’.ouvrage d’.Edgar Poe, Stories extraordinary, (translation of Charles Baudelaire), Michel L? Fr?s?iteurs, Paris, 1875. ] I Have need to d’.avertir?ropos of the street Morgue, passage Lamartine, etc, qu’.Edgar Poe n’.est ever come?aris.. R?ir?et article on the forums In the m? heading: The most popular articles. Double assassination in the street Mortuary. Le?s on the psychoses Gymnastics of room m?cale and hygi?que. ?tic Biblioth?e de Litt?ture